Commissioner Spence-Jones Reneges on Conveyance of Umoja Village Land?
Reaves right to protect parents’ names

5000 Role Models Program Works


Senator Frederica Wilson's 5000 Role Models Program got some positive press from columnist Leonard Pitts in this morning's Miami Herald. Several thousand young men have completed the program since Wilson started it fourteen years ago. These are the young men we need to hear more about. Senator Wilson and her staff, the role models and mentors are to be commended. When the village comes together, the village always wins. --- Blogging Black Miami

Role models help rescue troubled teens


`I sure hope Timothy doesn't come to school today.''

It was when that thought came to mind, says Frederica Wilson, surveying the faces at the conference table in the Miami-Dade County Public Schools headquarters, that she knew she had a problem. After all, she was a school principal, a black woman. And Timothy was a student, a black boy. But Timothy was also a terror and as she drove to school, she found herself hoping he wouldn't be there.

The thought shocked her. If she dreaded Timothy, she says, how must her Hispanic and white teachers have felt about him? And why was it every time she held a disciplinary conference, it was for a black boy? Why were they the ones who always seemed to be in trouble? [MORE]


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