The Poinciana Park Bio-pharmaceutical Debacle: Looking past the Meeks, Dorrin Rolle, Dennis Stackhouse and The Miami Herald
County Meetings - July 2007

Charter Review Task Force meets tomorrow

The Charter Review Task Force meets tomorrow morning. Perhaps one of the readers is aware of important proposed changes to the County charter. Since a task force meeting is scheduled, prayerfully a dedicated citizen will attend and keep us posted on the outcome.

Date/Time: July 09, 2007 10:00 a.m. -
Address: 111 NW 1st Street
18th Floor, Conference Rooms 18-3 & 18-4
Miami, FL 33128
Contact Person: Fara C. Diaz, Clerk of Courts
Phone Number: 305-375-1293

Questions submitted to Blogging Black Miami:

Who are the task force members?

What is the objective and status of this committee?

Is an agenda available online?


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