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Steppin' In South Florida

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Martini Monday Steppin' & free introductory workshop
It's Steppercise!

The Steppers Set

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Listen up this Sunday to hear the latest steppers music, special guests, and unique mixes by featured deejays.  Tosca Carroll is taking the lead this season with Jim Berry to bring you the sometimes funky, sometimes smooth, and always intoxicating sounds of steppin'!
Tune in every Sunday from 2pm - 4pm
Log on at
It's not just a dance or a social's a social lifestyle!
9/24/07,       4th Monday steppin' @ Cafe Iguana
                   Beginners workshop
10/6/07        Steppers Matinee' at Millennium Ballroom
10/13-14/07  THE STEPPERS BOOT CAMP Level I
10/19/07      Tampa, FL with Steppin2itMiami & Company
10/27-28/07  THE STEPPERS BOOT CAMP Level II

A ball was had by all at Steppin' Into Fall last weekend with Saturday night at Mahogany Grille, L. C. Henderson ("The Technician"), and the Steppin2it & Company demo team with Kindred Family Soul!  We want to say thanks to everyone!
This week is Martini Mondays and Steppin2it Tuesday workshop.  We're keeping the parties and the steppin' coming.  Plus, we're gearing up for the big December Anniversary Weekend, so stay tuned!

It's the 4th Monday!

Iguana logo

We're step at Martini Mondays every 2nd & 4th Monday from 7pm until 10pm!

Dance to the sounds of HOT105's Savoire Faire spinning the latest upbeat and smooth steppers grooves, enjoy 2-4-1 martinis and order from the $5 menu until 8pm.
(NO COVER before 8pm)
FROM 6PM - 7:30PM
Steppin2it Tuesday Classes
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We've moved into our new home at the Shades Of Rhythm Dance Studio in Miramar and we're doing what we do best...stepping up your steppin'!  It's the smoothest way to have fun...and get a workout, too!  We call it steppercise! 
tony out frontExperienced steppers learn new moves and drill them in The Steppers Casino*, plus we've added a class just to focus on the basic technique of Chicago-style stepping.  Leaders improve their leading and followers follow better...and we do it all to the latest steppin' tracks straight from the windy city! 
If you haven't been to a class in a while or just want to experience a really great one, you're welcome to learn and step with us!
Check in starts at 7:15pm; Classes start at 7:30pm 
$15/class or $45/month 
No partner needed;
Casual comfortable attire (leather soles recommended)
8910 Miramar Parkway #314
(corner of Douglas Road & Miramar Pkwy) 
Check out their website link in this email
*What is The Steppers Casino? Moves are called out while dancing in a circle with different partners.
Our focus is on bringing our stepping community together for more fun and steppin' than ever. To that end, we've partnered with upscale restaurants, concert promoters, dance studios, and clubs to bring you steppin' at its best.  Hope to see you steppin' soon!

Jim Berry
South Florida Steppers
Tosca Carroll
This email was sent to [email protected], by [email protected]
South Florida Steppers | P.O. Box 560351 | Miami | FL | 33256-0351


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Ms. Gordon

Speaking of Chicago Stepping, there is a great travel agency putting on an adult "STEP'N to a pre-SWEETEST DAY GETAWAY Cruise" in October. Most stepping cruise events have beginners lessons and other novice events. This particular agency focuses on those who just dance (Chicago-Style steppin'). The are one of the few travel agencies who focus solely on the "experience", not necessarily the schedule. Come as you are, do what you want and just be yourself. Although each experience is unique and the agency gets rave reviews, their group travel seems to venture into freedom vice absolute structure. I would recommend the October 2008 trip for anyone just interested in having fun. The event is posted in a flyer on their website at

Their general website is

Once you communicate your intent, this agency goes all out to provide you tons of useful information and a private link to cruise updates and execellent 'need-to-know' stuff. You can also email them at [email protected]

Their specialty is true luxury travel however, once every year, they put on a special economy group outing that is always fantastic.

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