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Speaking of Chicago Stepping, there is a great travel agency putting on an adult "STEP'N to a pre-SWEETEST DAY GETAWAY Cruise" in October. Most stepping cruise events have beginners lessons and other novice events. This particular agency focuses on those who just dance (Chicago-Style steppin'). The are one of the few travel agencies who focus solely on the "experience", not necessarily the schedule. Come as you are, do what you want and just be yourself. Although each experience is unique and the agency gets rave reviews, their group travel seems to venture into freedom vice absolute structure. I would recommend the October 2008 trip for anyone just interested in having fun. The event is posted in a flyer on their website at
Their general website is
Once you communicate your intent, this agency goes all out to provide you tons of useful information and a private link to cruise updates and execellent 'need-to-know' stuff. You can also email them at [email protected]
Their specialty is true luxury travel however, once every year, they put on a special economy group outing that is always fantastic.
Posted by: Ms. Gordon | Wednesday, January 23, 2008 at 05:14 PM