How the Black Blogosphere Has Driven the Jena 6 Protest
MISSING: Nailah Franklin

Westview Middle School Student Dies from Head Injury at School

On Tuesday a popular 12 year-old Westview Middle School student, Pateesha Clinch, died from what appears to be a head injury due to an accidental fall. Witnesses claim that two boys were horse-playing during a change in classes and clipped Pateesha resulting in her hitting her head against a portable classroom building. She was rushed to a hospital but died. Grief counselors were provided for students.

Many of the comments on the Miami Herald website point the blame for this child's death on lack of supervision by teacher or insufficient security staff. Others assert that teachers are not hall monitors. It's unfortunate that a child's death would lead to such discussion. A family is grieving and folks who were not on the scene choose to make such statements.

Surely the other children who saw her body trembling and her eyes roll in the back of her head, will never forget the incident. Children should not have to witness such things but it happened and cannot be reversed. Let's pray for the Clinch family and all of the children affected by this tragedy.


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Thank you for your prayers. As you stated this is truly hard on our family and to make matters worse the school is not forthcoming with what exactly happened to my little cousin.

Thanks for all that you do to keep us informed on the things happening in our community. God Bless you!


Jeri, thank you for gracing this page with your comment. Your family is in my prayers. Peace and Blessings.

Jonathan Roberts

Rest in peace. May God continue to bless and keep you,.


Let's continue to keep this family in prayer. Peace and Blessings.


The family of Pateesha Clinch would like to thank everyone for keeping us in their thoughts and prayers. the holidays are soon here and we find it extremely hard to handle. We miss Pateesha so much and not a day pass without thinking about her. To all her little friends and classmates at Westview Middle School we sit and read your cards, poems and look at all the nice drawings and designs you made for her. This ease our hearts to know you care. One day soon when the truth is revealed as to what happen to pateesha, we will be pleased to come and receive your hugs and help you heal too!


Thank you for visting and sharing your comments. We continue to pray for you and ask you to do the same for us. Your angel, Pateesha, was a blessing during her short life in human form. We pray that you learn the truth about her death and that your hearts are healed by memories of her love and spirit. Peace and Blessings to you.




You are still in our prayers. Holidays are always difficult for families of victims of tragedies. I could try to type words to bring you solace and let you know that everything will be alright. The truth is that you have to deal with the grief in your own way.

The first birthday and first Christmas without Pateesha will likely be the most difficult for the family. I am sorry for that pain. As we embark upon a new year, continue to cherish your memories of Pateesha. You will find comfort in God's hands.


Troy, I know how much you love Pateesha and she adored you! She will always have a special place in my heart too! Remember, we are working on finding justice in this incident. Remember the scholarship we are planning for "Pateesha the Princess" by saving all our change we receive. I have the cans if you need one.I have two full already and now need to wrap all this change.
An apology and/or condolences from Rudy Crew and the School Board for not taking caring of Pateesha while she was in their care would have been nice and made her parents feel a little better; not even one single call, card or note. I always pray for our family and the familes of the other boys too. Keeping standing tall and depend on God! Goddy Cindy


Parents, please let your child(ren) know daily how much you love them. Pateesha was an affectionate child and never fail to show how much she loved her family. Her little cousins still have questions and are sometime fearful to return to school. Her little six year old brother miss her so much and ask of her often. Please keep us in your prayers and thank you so much for this site. It is a real blessing, again THANKS!!!


I would like to thank all of my family and friends and those in the community who did not even know Pateesha for their prayers, love, and continued support, for without these life would be much more difficult than it is now. THANK YOU again from the bottom of my heart and please continue to keep our family in your prayers.

Auntie Cynt

Please continue to pray for our family. Pateesha's 13th birthday will be March 7, 2008. Little D'Andre ask about his sister daily now! Mom Meka and Dad Daryl were able to go out with the family on MLK day at Miami Gardens and we received much love from the community, Tom Joyner and family, Mayor Shirley Gibson, Barbara Jordan and their staffs. Thank you Alexis for all your help from Mrs. Jordan's office. THANK YOU MIAMI! THANK YOU BISHOP CURRY AND THE NEW BIRTH FAMILY. WE LOVE YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS AND SUPPORT.


Everyday I think about Pateesha... It is sometimes hard to express my sorrow and I am so lost for words. I see her when I read my bible and I have her picture hanging in my office. Please continue to keep the family in your prayers. Pateesha is a gem and she is missed by so many. I am in AWE to see how many people this little angel touched. There are some days when I still can't believe that this is real... Be Blessed and I ask again, continue to pray for the family.

Cousin Ernie


Daryl, Meka and D'Andre WE LOVE YOU!

Cousin Ernie


Today is March 7, 2008. Today would have been the start of Pateesha's teenage years because she would have been 13 years old. On this day we will no longer say "Happy Birthday" but we will continue to acknowledge this day and celebrate it as her day of birth. Continued thanks to ALL OF MY FAMILY, friends and the community for your constant love, support, and prayers. Have a very blessed day today in remembrance of my daughter, PATEESHA RANEE CLINCH.


Please go to this link: to post your expressions of love for Pateesha and celebration of her birthday.

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