Black Men march in unity and in remembrance
Monday, December 31, 2007
Posted on Sat, Dec. 29, 2007
Marchers mourn the loss of black men to violence
The men came from South Dade, Miami, Miramar and beyond to Carol City Park Saturday to march in silence and remember black fathers, sons and brothers who have died violently.
Declaring the killings a curse on the community, they evoked a clear message: We must do better.
The Miami-Dade branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, People United to Lead the Struggle for Equality and ministers led about 300 men, teenagers and toddlers in a silent march through Miami Gardens followed by a rally to protest the increasing violence plaguing South Florida.
Organizers hope the display of unity will encourage peace.
''This march is in memory of all the brothers we've lost. They can't speak any longer so we have to do it for them,'' said Victor T. Curry, the local NAACP branch president who suggested the idea months ago, following fatal police shootings of unarmed black men, and ``brothers killing each other.'' [Continue reading…]
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