Former City of Miami Chief of Operations Mary Conway says Commissioner Michelle Spence-Jones Pressured Related Group
Congratulations, Jacquelle Sconiers, Miami-Dade County’s Teacher of the Year

Public deserves complete coverage of corruption issues

As the fallout regarding payoffs and the Related Group continues, the public deserves to know if the other two City of Miami commissioners who voted in favor of Related along with Michelle Spence-Jones are or were investigated also. Now, don't get it twisted, if Spence-Jones and others are guilty of criminal activity they should be punished but, hello, it took three--- count'em three votes for that item to pass.

Just because her name is tied to other questionable issues that have received media coverage doesn't mean the other two commissioners should get off Scott-free if they are guilty also. The media and the State Attorney's Office are obliged to the public to be objective, accurate and thorough.

Let the chips fall where they may but now is not the time for spin on the news. The public has the right to know the whole truth, not slices of the truth.


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