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Film on Teele draws controversy


Teele documentary sparks praise, debate

A documentary about the late Arthur Teele premiered at the Miami International Film Festival, generating a sometimes heated debate.

Posted on Sun, Mar. 02, 2008


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Heated debaters among movie buffs are a common sight during the Miami International Film Festival. But it wasn't just cinema that was being discussed -- and occasionally shouted about -- following a world premiere of Miami Noir: The Arthur E. Teele Story at the Colony Theatre Saturday afternoon.

The movie, written and directed by 22-year-old University of Miami seniors Josh Miller and Sam Rega, is an hourlong documentary about the life and death of Arthur Teele, the Miami commissioner who committed suicide in the lobby of The Miami Herald building on July 27, 2005.

Judging by some of the audience comments during a panel discussion following the film, it was obvious that Teele remains as controversial in death as he was in life. [More…]


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