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May 2008

Obama Speaks to Cuban-Americans in Miami

MIAMI, Florida (CNN) -- Sen. Barack Obama told Florida's Cuban-American community Friday that his Cuba policy would be based on "libertad" and freedom for the island nation's people.

Sen. Barack Obama speaks at a Cuban Independence Day event in Miami, Florida, on Friday.

"My policy toward Cuba will be guided by one word: 'libertad,' " he said, using the Spanish word for liberty at an event celebrating Cuban Independence Day in Miami, Florida.

"The road to freedom for all Cubans must begin with justice for Cuba's political prisoners, the right of free speech, a free press, freedom of assembly, and it must lead to elections that are free and fair," Obama said. "That is my commitment.

"I won't stand for this injustice; you will not stand for this injustice, and together we will stand up for freedom in Cuba. That will be my commitment as president of the United States of America," he said. Video Watch Obama call for freedom in Cuba »

Read complete coverage.

2000 Presidential Election in Florida Captured in HBO Film

Don't miss the broadcast premiere of the HBO movie, Recount, starring Kevin Spacey, Dennis Leary and Laura Dern. It is a story near and dear to many Floridians, the disastrous and infamous 2000 presidential election that was stolen from Al Gore and given to George W. Bush.

Florida, then under the leadership of JEB and the Rethuglicans paid a pivotal role in the vote count via pregnant chads, hanging chads, butterfly ballots, uncounted votes, etc. We, as Floridians, still haven't outgrown that label of incompetent voters and this early primary crap that disenfranchised Florida voters in this year's Democratic presidential primary.

Here's the trailer, let us know what you think of the movie.

Miami's Best Burgers

If this blog gave out an award for the best burger in Miami, it would have to go to Five Guys at the Midtown Mall. I didn't believe the burgers could be so good but one of my co-workers bragged about them so much that I broke down and I tried one today. I say broke down because I try to live a vegetarian lifestyle as much as possible. Anyhoo, I must admit their burgers are awesome, great, delicious, you fill in the blank. I understand Five Guys is a burger chain from the northern states. Once you've had one of their burgers, Burger King, Wendy's and Mickey D's will never be the same.

Call to Action: Save Public Education! Don’t Wait Any Longer. Attend Public Meeting Tomorrow, May 19th!

May 13, 2008

Dear Friend:

As you know, the Florida Legislative Session ended on May 2, 2008. On May 3, 2008, school districts across this state were faced with an insurmountable challenge: provide a quality education to all children with less money from the state of Florida. In response to the poor decisions made by members of the Florida Legislature the Miami-Dade County School Board will be forced to make extremely difficult decisions in order to absorb a $250 million budget shortfall. Decisions that include a reduction in force (layoffs), reduction in services, and a reduction to competitive educational standards.

As a concerned community, we will not stand idly by and accept policy decisions that have the real potential to bankrupt public education in the state of Florida. So on May 19, 2008, our diverse community, comprised of parents, teachers, students, and business partners, will stand together and demand that Gov. Charlie Crist, call a Special Legislative Session no later than August 1, 2008. The goal of the Legislative Session: provide school districts with the basic resources to provide quality services to all of our children across the educational spectrum.

We are asking that you join us as we demand the very best for our children. We have invited members of the Miami-Dade Legislative Delegation, Miami-Dade County School Board, and you, to work to SAVE PUBLIC EDUCATION. The meeting will take place on:

Date:             Monday, May 19, 2008

Location:     Joseph Caleb Center

                  5400 NW 22nd Avenue

                  Miami, Florida 33142

Time:          7:00pm

As a leader in this community, we need you to speak in support of public education and on behalf of our children. INVITE OTHERS - GET INFORMED AND GET INVOLVED. Don't wait for the fallout; act now! Please contact Ms. Debra Toomer at 305-218-2252 to confirm your attendance.


Victor T. Curry

Bishop Victor T. Curry


Miami-Dade Branch

Don't Miss Cooking with Gents 2008 Saturday, May 24 at FIU


The Ladies of Delta Sigma Theta in partnership with The Delta Education, Health and Cultural Initiative present their annual educational scholarship fundraiser featuring prominent men in the community cooking delectable dishes.This year's theme is "Food for the Soul in Paradise" and entertainment will be provided by the band "The Groove Kitchen".

The festivities begin at 4 PM, Saturday, May 24, 2008 at the Graham Center on FIU's University Park Campus. For more information call (786) 512-7209 or (754) 423-5160 or e-mail: [email protected].

Thanks to Marcia Samuel for the info! :)

Dwight Lauderdale, local 10 news anchor signing off…..

by Rose Reeder

Lauderdale Dwight Lauderdale, local 10 news anchor is signing off Wednesday May 21, 2008.  The station is asking South Florida viewers to tune in to the 11:00pm news. According to his bio, he came to South Florida in 1974 from the Buckeye state, Ohio where he was born and raised. He attained a degree in Communications from University of Ohio (Bobcat) graduating magna cum laude in 1973.

Congrats and thank you for 34 years of service to the South Florida community!

Lauderdale was the first Black television news anchor in South Florida.  He took on the awesome responsibility of “representing” for the Black community.  “Back in the day”, several friends and I attended a party in Miami Lakes and Lauderdale was there. We were excited to be in the presence of a local celebrity.

Lauderdale anchored with Ann Bishop. Both represented change, affirmative action and diversity.  He currently anchors the 6:00pm and 11:00pm news with Laurie Jennings.

In 2007, I attended the JM (Jim Moran) African American Achievement ceremony for the first time personally knowing two of the honorees: Bobby R. Henry Sr. of the Westside Gazette newspaper (Community Service) and Tarra Pressley (Business and Entrepreneurship). WPLG Local 10 was a media partner of the event and ran public service announcements of the honorees prior to the event.

Lauderdale was the Master of Ceremony.  I was impressed with his ability to speak without notes. I emailed him that compliment. He kindly responded there were Teleprompters on the podium, informed me it was his 10th year so he kind of knew what to expect and hoped I would support it the following year.

When Jim Moran passed, I sent him another email that I thought channel 10 did an outstanding piece in his honor.  Lauderdale responded “Jim Moran was a special man who embraced the African American community”.

On behalf of the South Florida Black community, we wish you the best as you close this chapter of your life and begin the new one! 

South Florida Times extends to radio

Did you check out the new talk show created by the South Florida Times?

It seems that attorney and entrepreneur Robert Beatty’s venture into the media world has spawned yet another innovative creation of the South Florida Times newspaper.  Starting yesterday at 10 AM on 1470 AM, a trio of talk show hosts with different political perspectives, were slated to engage in a verbal exchange that will educate the community and elevate the dialogue on matters affecting our community.

Not only can listeners tune in via radio, but the show is also accessible via the South Florida Times web site,

Check it out and let us know what you think.

Publix cover-up of manager’s attack on employee at Miami Shores store

It's time to think twice about shopping at Publix. Yeah, everybody has to eat but principles trump abusive management tactics that not only go unanswered but are covered up. Check out exclusive coverage of this incident on CBS Channel 4.

It's distressing to know that Publix general manager Curt Leonor would throw a shopping cart at Robert Rouchon, lie about it and only be punished by being sent to another store. That's shameful.

Rouchon is suing Publix and they should be made to pay dearly. Why when he wasn't severely injured? Well, let's start with working in a hostile environment. Add in an emotionally unstable employee --- who happens to be management --- and it's easy to see that this situation could have been a lot worse. One has to wonder if the GM runs the stores by harassment and intimidation.

It's one thing to deal with personnel issues in an open and honest manner. It's another thing to falsify official employment documents and attempt to bribe an employee. Shame on Publix!

Publix may be where "shopping is a pleasure" but working there must be a different story.

Stay tuned for more on this issue.

Syesha says bye to Idol competition

Syesha Mercado was eliminated from American Idol this week but we are still proud of her and her performance during the competition. Many remember her booming voice and vibrant personality BEFORE the actual American Idol competition when she was featured on Channel 7's version of Idol and received a fast pass to being selected. This young lady is destined for greatness. Congratulations, Syesha!

American Idol fans are preparing for the David v. David sing-off to ddetermine American's next Idol. Didn't you just see that setup coming?

For the record:   Blogging Black Miami prefers Ms. Mercado's natural tresses rather than the typical AI straight hair sellout look that we've seen so many times before.

SNL Parody of Hillary Clinton: Funny? Not so much.

This Saturday Night Live parody of Senator Hillary Clinton would be funny if it wasn't true. What is intended as a joke is exactly how many people perceive her.

One key theory floating around and mentioned in the video is that African-American voters will support Hillary Clinton even if Barack Obama is not the Democratic presidential nominee. Don't be fooled. No matter the talk of Party unity, if Obama is not the nominee, there will be a backlash from African-American voters that even Barack Obama will not be able to prevent. That backlash will be the subject of international media coverage throughout the United States general election and beyond.

That's not a threat; it's a reality that has been ignored by the mainstream media, the Clinton camp and the DNC. The Clintons continue to inject racism and mean-spiritedness to the point that African-American voters will be bitter and that will not be a misnomer.