Local Police Officer is Contestant on Design Star
Father's Day is June 15

Must Read: Squandered Tax Dollars at Miami-Dade Transit

Were Miami-Dade Taxpayers Railroaded?

MIAMI (CBS4) ― Nearly six years ago, Miami-Dade voters were asked to approve a half-penny sales tax hike. They did, with the expectation that there would be a dramatic difference in the way South Florida commutes.

CBS4's news partners at The Miami Herald have learned little has changed.

It was called the People's Transportation Plan. Millions of dollars were to be used to create new MetroRail and bus systems. In fact, the plan was to create some 88 miles of new Metrorail lines. As The Herald's Larry Lebowitz learned, six years later, the County is lucky if it gets more than two miles. That's because the money has apparently gone elsewhere. [Read more...]


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