Rebecca “Butterfly” Vaughns’ Tribute to Black Men
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Local word weaver, Rebecca "Butterfly" Vaughns, is at it again. Her latest production is a tribute to black men. Check out Celebrating 100 Years of Great Black Men, 7 PM, June 28th at the Joseph Caleb Center Auditorium, 5400 NW 22nd Avenue, Miami. For tickets and information: Call 305-836-3572 or e-mail: [email protected].
Butterfly's MySpace Page:
Here is a piece to be accompanied by music and during a PowerPoint presentation that will feature photos of great black men in every profession known to mankind from 1908-2008. It will open the show. Enjoy the read.
A Creation of Greatness ~ The Black Man's Poem
by Rebecca "Butterfly" Vaughns
Black Man one must give thanks and praise to
Almighty God for the creation of you.
The beautiful essence of a human species so
strongly feared.
Nina Simone gets an amennnn for her song "Young,
Gifted and Black."
Your level of intelligence have always posed a threat.
You are Bold, Legacy, Achiever, Courageous, Knowledgeable,
Multifarious, Astound and Noble.
How interesting that you are so hated upon yet your swagger,
lingo, and style is quite often imitated by those that hate you
on a daily.
For every time that you've been called a Nigger.
Forgive them because their tongues were confused and twisted.
There is always beauty behind what some may view as ugly.
See, Nigger scrambled to create another word gives you Ginger ~
the root of a tropical plant used as flavoring.
And everyone knows that the Black Man definitely exudes flavor.
Proof in that the Black race is the only race of all races that every race
the world over mixes with when it comes to procreation.
Umh, a drop can be something extremely powerful.
I wish I could pen a poem or blow a kiss into the wind that was strong
enough to erase all of the outrageous acts ever carried out against you
all because of the color of your skin(i.e. the lynchings, the whips on
your back, the chains, the drownings, the beatings, the 41-50 shots,
the dragging of you down a dirt road from the tail end of a truck to being
falsely accused for crimes you did not commit).
Black Man please accept my celebration of you ~ for your inventions,
your business savvy, your fashion, your spiritual motivation, your creativity
when it comes to cooking, your unique taste in a hairstyle, your athletic
abilities, your grace and passion in dance and theater, your poetry, your
music, your visions, your endurance, your strength, and most of all your
determination to be heard and recognized as a whole man and not just
Black Man you have made a tremendous difference in society and for all
that you have accomplished thus far, you are celebrated.
The world awaits your continued stride and marks for another 100 years.
Remember to always stay focused with your eyes on the prize having only
one thing to prove and that is You Are A Creation Of Greatness!!!
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