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October 2008

The Herald endorses Obama-Biden!

The Miami Herald recommends

For U.S. president and vice president

With 90 percent of Americans telling pollsters that the nation is heading in the wrong direction, it is no surprise that both Sens. Barack Obama and John McCain have staked their presidential candidacies on the promise of delivering change. Both have qualities that qualify them to lead the country, but they differ significantly in temperament and on many issues. Even the way they have run their campaigns is indicative of their judgment, decision-making and leadership styles.

When he began his campaign in February of 2007, Sen. Obama was viewed as an upstart. He built his candidacy one victory at a time, aided by an excellent campaign staff and fueled by an impressive ability to raise funds on the Internet. He displayed inspiring eloquence and a sure grasp of detail on issues. Voters of all races and ages were drawn to his promise to discard the culture wars and seek pragmatic solutions for problems instead of relying on ideology and worn-out slogans. [More…]



© 2008, Blogging Black Miami,

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© 2008, Blogging Black Miami,

 Click here to help me reach my fundraising goal for Barack Obama!


Haiti president makes surprise appearance before Miami-Dade school board

Haiti President René Préval made a brief, impromptu visit to the Miami-Dade School Board during Wednesday's meeting. President Préval 's layover during a trip to Canada provided him the opportunity to visit the board to seek assistance in the form of portable classrooms the district plans to destroy.

Préval shared the dire need for educational purposes and basic shelter that the portables would satisfy. Superintendent Carvalho saw the devastation during a visit to Haiti last month. He will contact Governor Charlie Crist for statewide assistance through the portable classroom project. Board Chair Agustin Barrera wisely added that the District should make the structures are usable before sending them.

The meeting was Carvalho's first subsequent to approval of his two-year, $275,000 contract.

School Board staff was also delighted by the brief visit of Deputy Superintendent Freddie Woodson who has been ill but will return soon. The meeting ended about 7:30 PM which was a welcome change to previous all-night sessions.



© 2008, Blogging Black Miami,


 Click here to help me reach my fundraising goal for Barack Obama!


McCain vs. Florida

Florida is leading the way in the 21st century and we deserve a President who will lead us into the future, not the past.

John McCain believes “the fundamentals of the economy are strong” and he can deliver the change we need. But Florida knows McCain and his ties to special interests are more of the same.

John McCain has tried to sell himself as a "maverick" and a "straight talker" who will tell the truth no matter the consequences, but independent, non-partisan watchdog groups aren't buying it. Since he wrapped up his party's nomination, John McCain has offered more of the same false attacks and smears. To date, independent, nonpartisan fact checkers have published more than 130 fact checks debunking John McCain's lies and distortions. Count the lies here.

Take Action: After you look at the site, write a letter to the editor about Sen. McCain's opposition to the issues important to Florida.

From the Democratic National Committee. Not authorized by any federal candidate or candidate’s committee.

Adrienne Arsht does it again

Adrienne Arsht ---yes the one the performing arts center is named after--- has opened her checkbook for South Florida again. In her latest show of generosity, she donated $5M to the University of Miami. The funds will support the University’s ethics program and other initiatives.

Ms. Arsht is really making a name for herself with  her philanthropic endeavors. Thank you to her and congratulations to UM.

© 2008, Blogging Black Miami, 

Click here to help me reach my fundraising goal for Barack Obama!

McCain in Miami today

 Presidential candidate John McCain is scheduled to speak at Florida International University today. McCain is trying to motivate the Republican base in south Florida to support him and the GOP ticket.

With McCain clearly the underdog candidate at this point, he must rally his people to get out and vote. McCain is depending on strong Latino support as several local down ticket offices are at risk.

I would love to attend this rally to see if McCain's strategy has changed but my work schedule won't allow it. The negativity in McCain's performance during the debates has worked against him so he must make smart and effective moves to counteract that.

As the Republicans have already shown, they might throw McCain-Palin under the bus ---just like they've done George Bush--- since they don't appear to be winners I this race. It's likely the GOP leaders have already planned their team for 2012.

McCain is not a quitter so this will be a race to the end.

If you do attend today's rally, feel free to leave your opinion on the outcome.

Get out and vote and take some other voters with you. Early voting starts Monday, October 20.


© 2008, Blogging Black Miami,


 Click here to help me reach my fundraising goal for Barack Obama!


McCain – 0, “That One” – 3

Last night's debate was far more interesting than the previous three in the series. Senator McCain had an effective start and seemed to be very different than his last debate with Senator Obama.

Unfortunately, McCain got off focus and off message. He allowed his emotions, particularly frustration, to get the best of him. McCain lost control. Game over.

I'm not insinuating that he was out of control, but he definitely lost focus and allowed Obama's calm demeanor to frustrate him more.

McCain interrupted Obama several times and rebutted with the finesse of a rookie. His facial expressions and sighs of exasperation confirmed his reputation as a hot head. McCain committed many of the same mistakes Hillary Clinton did during the Primary. Folks with so much experience in politics know that losing your cool is losing your game.

For most of the debate, I wondered what the moderator thought his purpose was. McCain was on the attack and had the last word on each question for much of the debate. Each time he did that he came across as desperate rather than aggressive. Not a good look.

McCain continued to lie about his economic platform and that of Barack Obama. He spent far too much time bashing Obama rather than convincing voters in a substantive manner, why he should be elected POTUS. McCain also lied when feigning indignation about the John Lewis about Obama's refusal to repudiate Lewis.

Actually, Obama did comment on the issue but probably not to McCain's liking. McCain also forgot that he did not repudiate his running mate for her rabble-rousing, fear-mongering tactics. Neither did he repudiate Lee County (FL) Sheriff Mike Scott either. When he did try to admonish some supporters at a town hall meeting, he was weak in his conviction and delivery.

When all was said and done after the debate, Obama's poll numbers were even more favorable than ever. The race seems to be a slam dunk for Obama but don't count McCain out. Ever.



© 2008, Vanessa: Unplugged!,

Fatal automobile accident in Homestead

Three Dead After Car Plunges Into Homestead Canal

HOMESTEAD (CBS4) ― A deadly car accident in Homestead early Sunday morning has claimed three lives.

Witnesses told police it all began around 3:40 a.m. when four men in car were involved in an accident in a parking lot of a shopping center at 296th Street and Southwest 162nd Avenue. The men took off across 296th Street, crashed through a fence, drove through a vacant lot and then plunged into a canal. A Good Samaritan dove in and rescued one of four individuals who had been in the car.



© 2008, Blogging Black Miami,

Vote for this blog for Best Pop Culture Blog and Best Blog About Stuff in the 2008 Bloggers Choice Awards.


Click here to help me reach my fundraising goal for Barack Obama!


Rachel Maddow on the hate that McPalin stoked

Here's another reason why I'm beginning to love watching The Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC. She dissects the hatred that has developed as a result of John McCain-Sarah Palin campaigning in the U.S.

Share this video with your friends and feel free to let us know what you think.


© 2008, Blogging Black Miami,

Vote for this blog for Best Pop Culture Blog and Best Blog About Stuff in the 2008 Bloggers Choice Awards.


Click here to help me reach my fundraising goal for Barack Obama!