Poetry Moment: What a Woman!
Mother’s boyfriend charged in infant’s death in Liberty City

Upcoming events for South Florida's Operation BIG VOTE

South Florida's Operation BIG VOTE (SFOBV) community events

Everyone is invited to come out and participate in the following :


Pep Rally @ Ely High School Monday, October 13, 2008 @ 6:00P.M.

Blanche Ely 1201 NW Sixth Ave. , Pompano Beach 33060  Phone: 754-322-0950 Fax:754-322-1080 

Pep Rally @ Carver Ranches Boys and Girls Club Monday, October 27, 2008 @ 6:00 pm.

Carver Ranches Boys and Girls Club 2205 SW 44th Ave, West Park - (954) 967-8787


Wednesday, October 22, 2008 7-8pm

The Fountain of Pembroke Pines

Rev. Wayne Lomax


Wednesday, October 29, 2008 7-8pm

The New Mt. Olive Baptist Church

401 N W 9th Av.

Ft. Lauderdale , FL

Dr. Mack King Carter, Pastor             

(954) 463-5126.

Volunteers needed for motorcade, no less than ten cars. Motorcades will drive through neighborhoods on the Thursday before the pep rallies, mass meetings and during early voting (October 20 - November 2, 2008). Early voting begins October 20 – November 2 . Contact: South Florida Operation Big Vote (SFOBV) at: Ph-(954) 332-0366 or 1-800-514-2780 email: [email protected]

21113 Johnson St .

Pembroke Pines , FL

Contact: South Florida Operation Big Vote (SFOBV) at: Ph-(954) 332-0366 or 1-800-514-2780 email: [email protected]


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