From Dream to Reality
Friday, February 06, 2009
A Poem for President Barack H. Obama II
Numbers like words are extremely powerful.
Twenty-three months ago, you stepped out
on faith.
A man on a mission with a serious purpose.
That of imagination being unlimited and truly
Today, January 20, 2009, marks the beginning
of the rest of our lives.
At 12:04 p.m., you spoke those 35 words of
In 20 minutes, you did what you do very well ~
speak inspiration, hope, and great determination.
Martin Luther King, Jr. was deep in your vocal
Mahatma Gandhi surfaced through your features
and spoken direction for the country.
He was the "Father of the Nation" and regarded
as a "Great Soul."
You are a "Leader of Change."
Like Pablo Picasso, passion exuded in every word
of your speech while cool and reserved blended in
with the breeze in the air about you.
Back to imagining as "we the people" will forever
wonder the thoughts you were thinking as you
walked through the doors built by the hands of slaves.
And the words within scrabble are befitting because
all is clear now as you brace this time in history that
is real.
There's a new kind of peace in view as people exercise
acts of change everywhere for the betterment of the
world in which we reside.
Like John Coltrane reshaped modern jazz and influenced
generations of great musicians.
You're reshaping the world bringing people of all races
and culture together.
You're the new sound of music on blast.
A picture perfect moment where freedom will ring loud as it
possibly can, the dream is living, and your journey begins.
Behind your walk will be God, the ancestors, your parents
and grandparents, family, the love of your life Michelle,
your daughters Malia and Sasha, and "We The People"
who Believe In YOU!
01/20/09 ~ Rebecca "Butterfly" Vaughns ~ Int'l Spoken Word Artist/Author
Miami, FL
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