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Miami Central gets week-long coverage in Herald

The Miami Herald is running a week-long series on Miami Central High School. If you've read this blog for a minute you know that I am a Miami Central alum. It hurts to see the school, community and students beat down as they have been the last few years.

The school has scored five straight F's. How many times will that headline be splattered in the media around the world? How is a student or teacher to feel attending or working at a school with such a label?

Today's article focuses on new principal, Douglas P. Rodriguez and the challenge he's accepted. Rodriguez, State Principal of the Year 2008, is not a stranger to the school as he started his teaching career there in 1988.

Rodriguez has demonstrated that he is a great principal and understands the need to involve the parents, alumni and community in Central's turnaround. It takes about two seconds to determine that he must have been an awesome teacher. He's charismatic and a straight-talker.

Folks in the community are concerned that Miami Central will be shut down if the students do not pass the FCAT this next time. State law imposes penalties that many consider unpleasant but something positive must happen at Miami Central. Five years of F's is not difficult to overcome once the psyche of the students, parents, staff and community is transformed.

There are many great kids at Miami Central and, in many ways; the school has been dealt several blows over the years. Time can't be reversed but perhaps this series of articles will do much to highlight those problems and motivate the Miami Central family to correct them and/or make sure they are corrected.

Principal Rodriguez is leading the change at Miami Central but the students, faculty, parents, alumni and community are the change. Pride in self. Pride in Central.

What say You?


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Gerald Peterkin

As a Miami Central alumnus, my heart bleeds for the students. I have reached out to the school administrative staff to do my part as a concerned member of the community. I own and operate a multimedia production company that spotlights positive images of urban youth and I ask anyone who attended Miami Central to join me in helping with the change that is needed.

Vanessa Woodard Byers

Thanks for your comment. Please attend the Miami Central Alumni association meetings if you haven't done so already.

There's a community bazaar this Saturday morning starting at 9 AM. Come out and get connected with the alumni association. Let's talk about how we can partner with you to help bring about positive change in the community.

Peace and Blessings.

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