Before building the Stadium, let’s look at the Bigger Picture
Artist arrested


Happy Friday, everyone! Are you ready for the weekend? I know am. Much of my posting to this blog will be via my trusted CrackBerry. There's just too much going on of which I'd like to partake this weekend. I'll post photos as much as possible but I'm still working on mastering that capability.

Anyhoo, with the Marlins Stadium off the front pages and headlines of local media, let's chill out at one of the most highly anticipated events --- Jazz in the Gardens on Saturday and Sunday at Dolphins Stadium in Miami Gardens. Some of my favorite artists are scheduled to perform but I'll deal with that in detail in another post.

A real world class event, the Sony-Ericcson tennis championships, is also in full swing (that was corny) on Key Biscayne. I'd love to see the Williams sisters and Fernando Nadal to name a few of the players.

Gotta go but I'll be back soon with another post. Peace and Blessings.

Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T


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