Saying Good-bye to Michael Jackson
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Wow. Today is the day of the homegoing service of Michael Jackson. He was the King of Pop so they say. Or perhaps he was the king of many other great things.
Who is to say how, why or when we should depart from this earth; it is more important to live a full life in between. I don't know what little girl didn't think Michael was the cutest little thing when they made their debut on the Ed Sullivan show. They broke so many barriers as a group and Michael broke even more as an individual.
As I matured, Michael seemed sad at times. Much like truly gifted people, there is a loneliness and heaviness that is converted to beauty and shared with the rest of us through their creations. Michael's passion and compassion was not something many people will ever truly understand only benefit from. Rather than trying to understand Michael, the Jackson 5 or the Jackson Family and what may have transpired in their private lives, I choose to just be Blessed by him and them.
In his child-like manner, Michael taught us, even if it was briefly for some of us, to love one another. I know that may seem corny but it's true and it's what we need right now.
Michael Jackson changed the world for the better and for a bright shining moment we are one. Thank you, Michael.
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Michael, his music and his outstanding showmanship will be dearly missed. Yesterday reminded me of the greatness of Black people to overcome so many barriers time and time again.....r
Posted by: rr | Wednesday, July 08, 2009 at 07:39 AM