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Health Care Vigil in Miami

Miami can't afford to wait for health care! Join our vigil

MoveOn members have organized candlelight vigils for people suffering under our broken health care system.
Candelight vigil

Host: America S. and your local MoveOn Council

Where: 28 St NW & 17 Ave. Miami FL. (in Miami)

When: Wednesday at 7:30 PM

What: We'll open with moving words from Senator Ted Kennedy, who called this fight "the cause of my life." Then we'll read the names and hear the stories of people struggling with the current health care system.

Can you make it to this vigil?

Click here for more details and to RSVP:

I can come.

Sorry, I can't make it this time.

For more info and to find other vigils in your area, click here.

And don't worry, this email was sent through the MoveOn system, so your personal contact info is kept private.



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