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Curry calls the Homestead-Florida City Chamber of Commerce cancellation of their 2009 Veterans Parade an “ostrich” response


The Miami-Dade Branch of the NAACP, under the leadership of Bishop Victor T. Curry, President has remains relentless regarding the display of the Confederate Flag during the 2008 Homestead Veterans’ Day Parade.


The NAACP and the coalition of organizations and concerned Americans does not desire the cancellation of the Parade but rather a Parade that will truly honor U.S. Veterans and not insult significant numbers of citizens. The NAACP is appalled by the actions of the Florida City/Homestead Chamber of Commerce in their failure to conclude US Department of Justice mediation in good faith and releasing statements to the media implying that they had banned Confederate Flags when in fact they had not done so. Until the Chamber bans the display of ALL Confederate flags and symbols in any future parades the issue is not resolved.  Banning one version of the Confederate Flag is subterfuge for a “rose by any other name is still a rose.” 


The NAACP commends the Florida City Commission, Community Health Centers Inc., the Red Cross, the Boy Scouts and several school bands that decided not to participate in the parade and support such display of the Confederacy. 


Confederate symbols are symbols of support for white supremacy, resistance to desegregation and fighting to maintaining slavery.  They are as offensive as the NAZI Swat sticker.


“The NAACP calls on members of the Chamber such as Miami-Dade County, the Miami-Dade County Public Schools, Miami-Dade College and others to use their influence to have the Chamber adopt a no Confederate symbols policy. Homestead has giving a bad name to Chambers of Commerce throughout the county. The Sons of the Confederate Veterans organization and the confederate flag have no place in a Chamber of Commerce sponsored and taxpayer supported event” said Bishop Victor T. Curry, President of the Miami-Dade Branch NAACP.



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