First Lady Michelle Obama to Attend Awards Luncheon at Miami-Dade College Oct. 15
Monday, October 12, 2009
Miami Dade College (MDC) will host Florida Campus Compact’s (FL|CC) annual Awards Gala and Luncheon Thurs., Oct. 15, 2009, at the National Historic Landmark Freedom Tower at MDC. United States First Lady Michelle Obama will be the special guest and featured speaker. She will join Dr. Eduardo J. Padrón, MDC’s president and FL|CC co-chair, and other prominent Florida officials.
The luncheon is an annual event that recognizes exceptional service-learning and engaged scholarship currently underway all across Florida. The winners are those who are in the trenches, forging sustainable campus-community partnerships that enhance the collegiate experience and help students become stronger and more active citizens. These awards recognize the outstanding work of faculty, students, administrators, service coordinators, AmeriCorps VISTAs, community partners and others who make substantial contributions to support engaged scholarship. In addition to raising awareness, and giving credit to those who set the highest standards, this event is also the only fundraising function that exclusively supports the continuing mission of Florida Campus Compact.
“The ultimate goal of Florida Campus Compact is to develop educated and active citizens to sustain our participatory democracy. Its mission is to promote Engaged Scholarship, Community-based research, Co-curricular service-learning and Sustainable campus-community partnership,” said Dr. Padrón.
FL|CC is a membership organization of more than 50 Florida college and university presidents in Florida, who are committed to helping students develop the values and skills of active citizenship through participation in public and community service. It works with these presidents and their campuses to integrate service with academic study and to provide a collegial experience for intercampus and community collaborations. FL|CC achieves its mission through site visits, conferences, workshops, technical assistance/resources, and awards.
The awards luncheon is by invitation.
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