Choices and making the most of this day
FAMU Alumni Gala in Broward County

Don't sleep on this! If you are homeless or on the verge of homelessness, read this.

This information was forwarded to me by a friend. If you are in need, don't let this opportunity pass you by. If you know of someone who might need this helping hand, do share.

Your churches, fraternal organizations, neighbors and friends are excellent networks with whom this can be shared. Spread this like it's gossip, okay?


Miami Dade County Community Action Agency  has housing assistance available for individuals and families currently homeless or in housing but at the risk of becoming homeless and in need of temporary rent or utility assistance to prevent them from becoming homeless. This program is available at various locations through the county and applicants must meet eligibility requirements.

Program Locations

Eligibility Requirements

For additional information on the HAND program contact Miami-Dade County Community Action Agency at 786-469-4640 or by dialing 311 from any phone.




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