Live-Blogging the debates (Pt. 4)
Curry calls the Homestead-Florida City Chamber of Commerce cancellation of their 2009 Veterans Parade an “ostrich” response

John Paul II Returns to Florida International University

Official Selections of the JPII International Film Festival will be showcased at some of the theaters and museums in the Modesto Maidique Campus of Florida International University, 11200 SW 8th Street, Miami.


Miami, Florida, September 28, 2009.- It was in 1987 that Pope John Paul II celebrated an open aired mass at Florida International University/Tamiami Park. Twenty-two years later the Pope returns within the context of his ideological call to a “New Evangelization” through the John Paul II International Film Festival.

The film festival, in its inaugural year, will be showcasing official selections at some of F.I.U’s finest theaters, such as the Frost Art Museum, the Graham Center’s GC140, RBD 1100 located in the school of Business and many others.

The festival is being co-sponsored by F..I.U’s Program for the Study of Spirituality under the guidance of Dr. Nathan Katz. “FIU’s Program in the Study of Spirituality is very proud to be a co-sponsor of the John Paul II Intl. Film Festival. We are especially pleased to have the opportunity… to bring films of enduring value to our students, our campus, and the community,” stated Dr. Katz

“The last time the Pope was here his mass was interrupted by a huge thunderstorm. He did not let that defeat him however; he proceeded with the mass inside the sacristy. I find an intriguing connection between our Holy Father’s faith and our theme for this year, Faith through the Storm”, said Frank Brenan, Co-Director of the Festival.

For tickets, schedule, and more information of all films being screened at FIU and the other participating theaters, please visit

The Festival is being organized by 7eventhDay Media, Inc, a tax exempt, non-for profit organization based in Miami, Florida, with the intention of nurturing faith-inspired filmmakers to create high quality productions that serve as witness to their faith.



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