Blogalicious Weekend Celebrates Diversity in Social Media
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
President of National Urban League Marc Morial Scheduled to Appear as Keynote Speaker at the Second Annual Conference
Washington, D.C.—August 2010 Blogalicious Weekend, the largest blogging conference celebrating diversity in social media, will host its second annual conference at the Ritz-Carlton South Beach in Miami, FL from October 8 to October 10, 2010. The three-day event dedicated to celebrating diversity in social media will bring together a group of savvy, influential and talented women bloggers to share ideas and inspiration in the context of Web 2.0.
Founded by bloggers, Nadia Jones, Nyasha Smith and Stacey Ferguson, Blogalicious Weekend was launched after these three practicing attorneys, who between them have seven children, realized that there was a dearth in the blogosphere when it came to the multicultural voices of women bloggers. They are also the founders of Mamalaw Media Group (MMG), a company devoted to raising the profile of women of color online.
“We believe this is an exciting opportunity to discuss the importance of blogging across ethnic communities,” says Mamalaw Media Group. “The conference will once again ignite a sense of unity within the multicultural blogging community, as well as educate marketers on the importance of our demographic in today’s marketplace, all while networking, building relationships, and promoting inspiration and success for each other.”
Blogalicious 2010 is expected to have an attendance of hundreds of social media influencers from various backgrounds. Featured workshops include Marketing to Women of Color, Building Your Social Media Tribe and The Value and Metrics of Diversity at Conferences.
Marc Morial, president of National Urban League is set to appear as one of the keynote speakers. He will speak on Sunday, October 10, at 9 a.m. The National Urban League is a historic civil rights organization dedicated to economic empowerment in order to elevate the standard of living in historically underserved urban communities. The Urban League recently celebrated its centennial in Washington, D.C.
Other speakers include Miriam Muley, The 85% Niche; Elisa Camahort Page, BlogHer, Inc.; Wayne Sutton, Social Wayne; and Dr. Otis Brawley, American Cancer Society.
Event sponsors include representatives from General Mills (My Blog Spark, Que Rica Vida, Feeding Dreams); General Motors (Buick and OnStar); McDonald's; and Kellogg's.
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