Message from CIVIC Concern - Election 2010: Make Your Vote Count!
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
It's early October in an even-numbered year...and that means you're probably being inundated with television ads, mailers, and phone calls from candidates and issue campaigns trying to sway your vote.
It's an important year for Florida with a great deal at stake. So, we're sending you a few tools to help you get the unbiased information you need to cast an informed vote and to make casting your ballot easy and convenient. Because if you care about Florida's future, you need to make sure your vote is counted this year!
You can visit our voter info page for lots of information and resources, or just look below to find the ones that you need most.
Thanks for working with us to build a better Florida!
Amendments 5 and 6 -- Redistricting Reform
Still a little uncertain about what gerrymandering is or why redistricting reform is so crucial to ending the arrogance in Tallahassee? This short video has Florida-specific segments from the documentary Gerrymandering that will make it very clear. And if you have friends or family members still unsure about supporting Amendments 5 and 6, share this video with them.
CIVIC's detailed article on this issue explains why these amendments are so critical to Florida's future. There's a reason newspapers across Florida -- from Pensacola to Miami and everywhere in between -- have urged a yes vote on 5 and 6 and nonpartisan advocacy groups like the AARP and the League of Women Voters are working hard to make sure it passes. Florida's future depends on it!
So you already understand how important this is and you'd like to get involved? Sign up here! We'll forward your info to the folks at Fair Districts Florida and they'll put you to work in your community. You can even make calls to voters right from your own home using their online phone bank.
Vote Early, Vote by Mail...Just Vote!
There are no excuses for not voting this year. It's too convenient and easy!
To vote by mail, you no longer need to swear you're out of town or in the hospital...anyone can request an absentee ballot. And now even that is simpler than ever. Just visit, fill in a short form, and presto: your ballot will arrive at your home in a few days. (Don't worry, your privacy is protected -- the site transmits your info directly to your supervisor of elections via a secure electronic connection.)
Early voting will take place across the state from October 18 to October 30. You can easily find locations and hours in your county at this page.
League of Women Voters 2010 Voting Guide
Since 1939, the Florida League of Women Voters has been working to "make democracy work" for Floridians. They are strictly nonpartisan and have members from across the political spectrum, working to encourage informed and active participation in government. They are a great source for unbiased, detailed information about the amendments on the 2010 ballot.
You can click here to download their 2010 voter guide, which includes information about the pros and cons (and costs) of all the ballot amendments, plus a Q&A with every statewide candidate covering the issues most important to each office.
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