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MDC Offers Fun and Educational Summer Camps for Kids and Teens

Miami, FL  – Whether it is recording music, hitting a homerun, improving reading skills, or performing in a play, parents will find dozens of unique summer camps for children of all ages at Miami Dade College (MDC) campuses throughout the county.


Below are some of MDC’s 2011 Summer Camps:  


Art Camp at North Campus

Young campers interested in drawing, painting, and multi-media work can start building their art portfolio in this hands-on arts camp for children ages 12-17. The camp will begin Monday, July 25, with an orientation at 8:30 a.m., and end Friday, August 12. The cost of the camp is $255. There is limited space available. For more information, please call 305-237-1019.


MDC Productions Camp at North Campus

An entertainment production camp designed for aspiring music artists, songwriters, and producers between the ages of 11-14, this camp will give students the opportunity to work on their craft via access to a state-of-the-art recording studio where they will compose, record and produce their own song, as well as choreograph a dance routine for their own music video. An orientation will be held the first day of camp at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday, July 5, and will end Friday, July 22. The cost is $255. There is limited space available. For more information, please call 305-237-1019.


CSI Miami Camp at North Campus

Students ages 12-17 who want to major in the sciences in the future will get to experience what it takes to work as a professional CSI agent in the field. Spaces are filled on a first come, first serve basis. An orientation will be held the first day of camp at 8:30 a.m. beginning Monday, June 13, and will end Friday, July 1. The cost is $255. For more information, please call 305-237-1019.


LEGO ® Camp at North Campus

These are classes of exploration, problem solving, and risk-taking with a goal of learning and experimenting with how machines work using LEGO® kits. Students will learn a variety of concepts throughout this class, including basic engineering principles, gearing and gear ratios, electric motors and energy, problem solving, and communication skills. There are three different courses, each cost $153, and will be held on weekdays from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. The courses are:  Vehicle Engineering LEGO® Camp (Ages 8-12), beginning Monday, June 13, through Friday, June 17; Collision Cars LEGO® Camp (Ages 8-12) from Monday, June 20, through Friday, June 24; and Jr. Engineering 1 LEGO® Camp (Ages 8-12) from Monday, June 27, through Friday, July 1. For more information, please call 305-237-1019.


Airo Skills Camp at North Campus

Discipline, drive, footwork, agility, strength, and speed are needed to produce a healthy successful athlete. Open to children ages 8 to 14, this athletic skills camp is operated by former NFL athletes Sam Madison, Brian Walker, and others. The cost of the camp is $153 per week and will be held on weekdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. beginning Aug. 1-5; Aug. 8-12; and Aug. 15-19. A pre-and-post care session is available for an additional $25 per week. For more information, please call 305-237-1019.


Test Prep/SAT and ACT Boot Camp at North Campus

Students planning to take the SAT and/or the ACT can take this boot camp to prepare in one fell swoop for all aspects of these necessary college entrance exams. The camp will help students boost their scores with strategy exercises, methodologies, skill sets, and practice exams in math, reading, science, and verbal comprehension. Students will need to purchase the Barron’s ACT 15th edition book prior to the camp. The cost of the camp is $266 and will be held Monday, July 11, through Friday, July 15, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information, please call 305-237-1138.


Kids/Teen College at Kendall Campus 

A variety of exciting learning opportunities are offered for children ages 7-12 and teens 13-17 years old. The program begins Monday, June 13, and ends Friday, August 12. Each 15-hour course is a one-week session; each 30-hour course is a two-week session. The classes are held Monday through Friday, three hours each day. The cost for the camp is $110 (one-week class); $179 (two-week class); $289 (three-week class), and $29 for before and after care with lunch. For more information, please call 305-237-2976.  


Wild Things Happen at Kendall Campus

Children ages 5-11 will enjoy activities that include: computers, arts and crafts, reading for fun, pool activities, dancing, indoor games, field trips and more. The program begins Monday, June 13, and ends Friday, August 12. The cost is $153 and lunch/snack is included. For more information, please call 305-237-2161.


Rock Camp USA at Kendall Campus

Now in its 12th year, Rock Camp USA features intensive performance-oriented instruction given by some of the finest professional musicians in the country. Each camp is two weeks long and culminates with the young rockers giving a live performance in front of hundreds of people in their own concert. The cost of the camp is $595 and lunch is not included. For more information, please call 305-237-2976.


Latin Jazz Experience at Hammocks Middle School

Participants will get the chance to develop skills in jazz improvisation, music theory, and gain a better understanding of both traditional jazz and Latin Jazz styles. The campers will be able to make friends, perform in small groups and jam with some of Miami’s top jazz instructors. The following instruments are welcome: piano, bass, guitar, drums, woodwind, brass, strings. The cost is $185 and lunch is not included. For more information, please call 305-237-2976.


Soccer Summer Camp at Kendall Campus

The SunBlazer Team Camp will offer an environment for teams to be trained both technically and tactically in realistic game situations, such as team scrimmages. For more information, please call 305-237-2612.


Susan Summons MDC Motivational Summer Basketball Camp at Kendall Campus

A motivational summer basketball camp for boys and girls ages 6-17, taught by renowned MDC basketball coach Susan Summons. Participants will receive quality instruction in basketball fundamentals, live skills, and guidance on exercise and nutrition. The camp begins Monday, June 13, and ends Friday, June 17. The cost is $150 and includes one t-shirt. For more information, please call 305-237-2612.


Tennis Summer Camp at Kendall Campus

A unique combination of instruction, match play and physical conditioning highlights the Tennis Summer Camp. The program is geared toward children of all ability levels and combines exercises, drills, match play and loads of fun tennis and sporting activities. For more information, please call 305-237-2612.


All the camps will allow children and students to enjoy their summer vacation in a fun and safe environment. Fees are subject to change without notice and courses may be canceled due to insufficient enrollment. MDC will be closed Monday, July 4 in observance of Independence Day.



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Garage Doors Florida

Just when you think campus life is winding down, it is just getting going... Glad to see that they are reaching out to the community!

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