July's Financial Tip: Five Ways to Save Money in the Summer
Legislators to Hold Press Conference on School Closures

Here We Go Again: The State of Florida Set to Close Miami Central and Miami Edison Sr.

by Vanessa Woodard Byers

By now you may have heard of the possible closure of Miami Central and Miami Edison Senior at the Board of Education meeting, next Tuesday, July 19 in Tampa. The schools may be closed for one year or they may become charter schools.

I was angry when I got word of the situation from reading Miami Central Alumni President William Clark's Facebook status update. Then I thought, here we go again. The students and staff at these schools get kicked in the stomach once again.

In spite of tremendous academic gains, the State of Florida says to Central and Edison, wait, that's not enough. Now our children and our communities are once again made to feel inferior to others who posted gains in spite of tougher standards.

If you keep doing what you're doing you'll keep getting what you got. It's that often repeated statement I submit to you that we must remember when dealing with the issue of school closures, FCAT, AYP, NCLB, etc.

For one, rather than attacking the FCAT test, let's focus on how the results are used. Our children should not be afraid of any test for which they have prepared. They should also not become physically ill because of the anxiety the test generates.

Let's focus on the Floride Education Laws at the heart of this problem. Let's demand changes in legislation at the State and Federal level where necessary. Let's make sure the playing field is leveled in education. That means parents and community members must become actively engaged in the legislative process and hold the appropriate people accountable, even themselves.

Are we willing to continue the same old madness or are we willing and ready to really fight for change for children? I am in for the long haul; how about you?


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