Monthly Financial Tip: Giving Up a Few Things to Get More in Return
Justice for Trayvon Martin

New Look on our Facebook Page!

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by Vanessa Woodard Byers


It goes without saying that you are appreciated as a reader of this blog. I am still amazed by the power of blogging and the written word to connect and inform people around the world. As one who remembers telephones with party lines, black & white television, pay phones, beepers and segregation, this opportunity to connect, inform and mobilize people is too incredible to pass up.

You can read this blog and connect with us via Facebook and Twitter for the complete Blogging Black Miami experience. We’ve changed our Facebook page to the timeline format and will periodically change our cover photo to feature a local event, noteworthy persons or local sites. 

Thank you again for reading this blog. Thank you for spreading the word about Blogging Black Miami. Thank you for sharing your news with us. Don't forget to say hello if you see us on Facebook, Twitter or IRL (in real life).

Peace and abundant Blessings...



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