FAMU Board to discuss impact of President's resignation and transition plan in emergency meeting today
Monday, July 16, 2012
The Florida A&M University Board of Trustees (BOT) will hold an emergency meeting at 9AM today in wake of the recent resignation of University President Dr. James Ammons. The Board will discuss next steps as the University moves forward. Some FAMU alumni groups want to be a part of the selection of the next University leader and other alumni are rumored to be lobbying BOT members to not accept Ammons’ resignation.
There are rumors that Ammons resigned because a supermajority of the BOT was prepared to terminate him during last week’s BOT called meeting although the issue was not on the official agenda. Ammons may also be placed on immediate administrative leave rather than be allowed to remain in control as included in his resignation letter. This morning’s meeting should be very interesting as BOT members clearly fall into three categories: Pro-Ammons; Anti-Ammons or could go either way.
The call-in number for the board meeting is 1-800-309-9169 and the conference ID number is 10542700 although the operator doesn’t request it. The meeting will also be broadcast online by the University’s radio station WANM 90.5 FM.
Stay tuned as the fallout from the hazing death of FAMU Marching 100 drum major Robert Champion continues.
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