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Book Review: Sex in South Beach

Sex in South BeachDr. Sonjia Kenya is the author of Sex in South Beach and a weekly column in the Miami Sunpost. I think it would be accurate to describe her as this generation’s Dr. Ruth. She enjoys talking about sex and that transcends the pages of the book. As a matter of fact, her book doesn’t seem like a book but more like a conversation with a friend. I don’t think Dr. Sonjia left any stone unturned through the various conversations with friends and strangers she eagerly shares throughout the book.

Dr Sonjia
Dr. Sonjia

This book is great for women and men with questions about sex and relationships. It’s straight talk --- very straight talk. If you’re embarrassed to talk about sex or relay your desires to your partner, this is the book for you. Even if you're not embarrassed to discuss sex, this is the book for you. As, Dr. Sonjia indicates, it’s not an instruction manual. There are, however, quite a few descriptions of situations and explanations of physical responses from which one may glean useful knowledge.

While the book is a fun read, it’s also sprinkled with statistics and facts without becoming a snoozer. I have never met Dr. Sonjia in person but she seems to be a really cool person who is also confident and smart --- one would have to be able to strike up conversations and basically interview total strangers. Oh, my.



Buy this book? Yes. (For adults only.)



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