Butterfly's Latest Obama Hair Flair

Happy November!

Good morning, family! It's the first day of November, the perfect start to a fabulous month (MY birthday) and new opportunities to do great things and connect with great people in this community.

For sure this community is focused on the General Election. Early voting has been heavier than expected but voters have packed their patience and waited hours to cast their ballot. Others have chosen to vote by absentee ballot. Since the County is picking up the tab on postage, that option was even more attractive to voters. We need to re-elect President Barack Obama AND vote on several state and local issues/representatives. Whatever you do, JUST VOTE as if your life depends on it because it does.

For the most part, Hurricane Sandy breezed through South Florida after raising hell in the Caribbean and before devastating the northeastern portion of the United States. A number of lives have been lost and recovery will obviously take years. Prayers are sent up for EVERYONE impacted by this storm. Let's work together and help each other through this latest challenge.

There are a number of key events occurring in the community so do check out our calendar of events webpage. Let's support those efforts that support the people in the community.

Finally, thank you to everyone who prayed for my Dad's recovery. He has been released from the hospital and continues to strengthen at home. I am back on my regular blogging, tweeting and Facebooking schedule; let's enjoy the ride together. Until we meet again...

Peace, Light, Love and đź’‹Smooches...



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