Movers, Shakers and Rainmakers: Matthew Beatty, Communications Officer - The Miami Foundation
Monday, November 26, 2012
In his new role, Beatty will lead and manage the foundation's communications strategies and ensure that all efforts are integrated and reflect the organizationfs message. He will coordinate public relations and marketing content development for the foundation, in addition to managing and growing social media network outreach.
A key component of his position will be building relationships throughout the community and increasing brand awareness. This will include crafting the communications approach as the foundation brings stakeholders together to tackle issues in greater Miami.
Beatty was most recently communications director of Sonshine Communications, Florida's largest African-American, full-service marketing communications firm, and Black PR Wire, the nationfs first and largest black newswire distribution service.
A native Miamian, Beatty attended The Cushman School, Ransom Everglades School and earned his B.S. in management and M.B.A. in marketing at Florida A&M Universityfs School of Business and Industry.
Beatty has managed public relations outreach for Baptist Health South Florida, Port of Miami Tunnel, Miami-Dade Chamber of Commerce, Healthy Start Coalition of Miami-Dade, National Environmental Education Foundation and numerous other companies and organizations across the United States. He is a seminar presenter in Miami Dade College's Small Business Education Program, speaks on panels regarding marketing strategy, and was named one of South Florida's 40 Under 40 Black Leaders of Today & Tomorrow by Legacy magazine of The Miami Herald.
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