Celebrate the Principles of Kwanzaa in Miami on December 29 and Help Deserving College Students
Saturday, December 22, 2012
In the spirit of the seven principles of Kwanzaa, the South Florida community is invited to unite for the 23rd Annual Mary Williams Woodard Legacy Kwanzaa Celebration presented by the Miami-Dade Chapter of the Florida A&M University National Alumni Association and Community Builders Holistic Development Corporation on Saturday, December 29, 2012, 5PM - 8PM at The African Heritage Cultural Arts Center, 6161 NW 22nd Avenue, Miami, FL 33142. The event is free and open to the public.
Enjoy an evening of family fun, culture and delicious food. There will be special performances by Osundara Yoruba Dance Theatre and Osun’s Village & African Caribbean Corridor International Artist-in-Residence, Prince Emmanuel Abiodun Aderele.
A special request is made of the community to help deserving young men in college by supporting the “Suits for Our Sons” project at Florida A&M University through donating new or gently worn business suits; ties and belts. Maurice Jackson, FAMU student leader and accounting major from Miami, is spearheading the project which has already been well received by young men on campus. Through this initiative students are not only provided business attire but also taught professionalism and basic life skills such as how to tie. Please bring the requested items to the Kwanzaa Celebration or call Vanessa Byers at (786) 314- 1106 to arrange for pick-up of items.
The Mary Williams Woodard Legacy Kwanzaa Celebration has been a perennial favorite in the community and the largest attended local Kwanzaa event. Let us continue to uplift the community and each other in unity, self-determination, collective work and responsibility, cooperative economics, purpose, creativity, and faith.
For more information on the Mary Williams Woodard Legacy Kwanzaa Celebration, contact the Miami-Dade Chapter at (305) 761-8952 or [email protected].
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