Happy Kwanzaa! Day 4: Ujamaa - Cooperative Economics
Happy Kwanzaa! Day 6: Kuumba - Creativity

Happy Kwanzaa! Day 5: Nia - Purpose


Call: Habari Gani?! (What's going on?)

Response: Nia! [nee-yuh]

The fifth day of Kwanzaa focuses on purpose which means "to make our collective vocation the building and developing of our community in order to restore our people to their traditional greatness.”

On our kinara, light the middle, black candle, the red candle that sits next to the black candle on the left, the green candle that sits next to the black candle on the right, the red candle that sits in the middle of all three red candles and the green candle that sits in the middle of all three green candles.

Reflect on what you’ve done and what you plan to do to help uplift our community and make it better. What are your talents and skills? How have you used them to help others?

Kwanzaa Day 5 Nia

"I must do something" always solves more problems than "Something must be done." - Unknown



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