Six-year old girl collects dolls to donate to others
Monday, December 24, 2012
What Next Global, Inc. a non-profit organization established to support youth development, empowerment and entrepreneurship, has partnered with 6-year old Zoe Terry to get people to donate dolls to little girls!
When Zoe’s sixth birthday was approaching this year in October, Zoe told her mother, Nakia Bowling, that she did not want any gifts. Instead Zoe wanted people to give her dolls so she could give them out at Christmas time. Hence, the beginning of Zoe’s Dolls!
“Every little girl needs a doll to play with at Christmas,” said Zoe. “I want to give dolls to little brown girls who do not have dolls to play with.”
Several collection sites were set up in Miami-Dade County. There has been overwhelming support for Zoe’s initiative. The dolls will be distributed to Toys for Tots, at the African American Cultural Arts Center during their Kwanzaa Event and at local homeless shelters. Some of the dolls will also be sent to an orphanage in Lusaka, Zambia.
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