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Happy Mother's Day


Mary Woodard
Remembering my mother, Mary Woodard, on Mother's Day and everyday. Love you always. Sleep in Peace.

Happy Mother's Day to all mothers everywhere. If you can give your mother a hug or talk to her on the telephone, understand that you are blessed. If your mother is no longer with you in the natural, understand that you are blessed because she is always with you. Most of all, understand that you don't need a 'special' day to show love to your mother or anyone else. 

If you feel so inclined, give a shout out in our comments section to your mother, grandmother, aunt, sister, godmother or any woman who nurtured you and helped you become the person you are today. Peace.





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Happy Mother's Day to my mom, Ms. Sarah Jane White. I love you.

Carol Ann Williams

I am what I am because of my grandmother, Mrs. Daisy M. Johnson. Thank you, Ma! Happy Mother's Day!

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