Just because you can drop the n-bomb, should you?
Monday, November 18, 2013
Another piece written by Jason Whitlock continues the focus on dropping the n-bomb and it's use in modern culture --- More than sticks and stones. Another must read.
The defense of the use of that word in the locker room and between athletes in their conversations and text messages is sad. More than just sad, it's disappointing.
Whitlock wrote, "The N-word is a not a generational issue. The N-word was never a fad. It was a primary tool in the enslavement, disenfranchisement and cultural destruction of a race of people."
It's amazing and sad that some black folk just don't get that. Attempting to erase the pain behind that word by using it hasn't been successful and likely never will be. It peppers the lyrics of too many rap songs, with infectious beats, that have seeped into the consciousness of an ethnically diverse generation of consumers.
Whitlock also writes, "The debate surrounding the N-word isn't young people versus old people. It's intelligence versus ignorance, values versus no values, family versus dysfunction and responsible/restrained capitalism versus capitalism left unchecked."
Regardless of the rules that NFL owners may enact regarding racial slurs as a result of the Miami Dolphins Richie Incognito - Jonathan Martin bullying controversy, athletes dropping the n-bomb won't be eliminated.
How can that behavior be changed? Education and parenting of our young children. Spending more time with them and introducing them to their history and the wonders of the world rather than leaving them to raise themselves via television, video games and other methods of so-called entertainment.
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