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CRB, Miami Gardens Mayor and Miami Gardens Police to hold community briefing tomorrow night

A community briefing on relations between residents and police in Miami Gardens is scheduled for tomorrow, Tuesday, January 7, 2014, 6 p.m. - 8:30 p.m., at the North Dade Regional Library, 2455 NW 183 Street, Miami Gardens, 33056. The meeting is being convened by the Miami-Dade County Community Relations Board (CRB) in collaboration with Miami Gardens Mayor Oliver Gilbert in cooperation with the Miami Gardens Police Department. According to the meeting announcement, "the meeting will address issues related to violent crimes and murders and allegations of police misconduct in the city."

A panel of police and law enforcement leaders is slated to release “non-sensitive information on the progress of investigative activities conducted to date and tasks that are pending.” Elected officials and other community leaders are scheduled to share insights on what can be done to improve relations between citizens and police. The public will be given an opportunity to ask questions and make comments.

For more information on the meeting, contact the Community Relations Board at (305) 375-5730 or



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