Call to Action: Stop radical expansion of school vouchers in Florida
MegaCitizenship Days in Miami-Dade and Broward Counties

State and Local Lawmakers Join Growing Movement To Raise Social Security Benefits


Each year, 58 million Americans use the purchasing power of their Social Security benefits to pump billions of dollars into their local businesses and state economies. In Florida, Social Security provides $56 billion to the state economy through the benefits spent by more than 4 million beneficiaries.  State and local lawmakers who value Social Security’s economic impact are joining the national movement to Boost Social Security Now.

From city and county councils to state legislatures, political leaders are being asked to add their signature to a Proclamation urging Congress to support legislation which would increase Social Security benefits by about $70 per month. Florida State Senator Dwight Bullard (D-39th) is among the growing number of elected officials who are urging Congress to strengthen the economic security of America’s workers, retirees and their families by boosting Social Security. State Representative Mark Pafford (D-86) also offered a tribute in the Florida legislature to recognize the national campaign to boost Social Security.

“While Social Security is a federal program, state and local lawmakers know all too well the importance of these program dollars in their communities, counties and districts.  That’s why it’s so exciting that these elected officials are urging Congress to boost Social Security benefits, not cut them. Local leaders throughout our nation know it’s the right thing to do, especially for middle class families, and now is the right time to do it.”...Max Richtman, NCPSSM President/CEO

Today, Social Security’s average monthly benefit of just $1,290 is 90% or more of retirees’ income for 46% of unmarried elderly and 23% of married couples. 58 million Americans of all ages depend on the anti-poverty protection offered by Social Security.  Three decades of stagnant middle-class incomes, disappearing pensions, limited ability to start and maintain personal savings, and the failure of the 401K experiment lay the foundation for a retirement crisis that could further threaten millions of older Americans and their families. Social Security will be even more important to future generations, especially the Recession Generation which faces income loss, diminished net worth, and high unemployment during their vital income earning years, all of which will ultimately impact their retirement. 

The growing list of signers for the Proclamation can be viewed at Grassroots activists and volunteers will continue their efforts to secure more Proclamation signatures until a bill passes Congress. The legislation to boost Social Security benefits in the 113th Congress is S. 567/H.R. 3118, The Strengthening Social Security Act sponsored by Senator Tom Harkin (IA) and Representative Linda Sanchez (CA).



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