Congresswoman Frederica Wilson is the keynote speaker at Pumps, Pearls and Politics 2014, 7/26 at the Rusty Pelican.
MIAMI – Pressing concerns that burden South Florida families will get a full airing this month, as Congresswoman Frederica Wilson and other female political and civic leaders lead a discussion at the annual Pumps, Pearls & Politics forum.
The luncheon event is designed to bring together women and men from all walks of life for a meaningful dialogue, with our distinguished panelists, about critical issues such as education, healthcare, employment, immigration and social justice. The forum is sponsored by Gamma Zeta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated, and begins 10:30 a.m. Saturday, July 26, at the Rusty Pelican Restaurant, 3201 Rickenbacker Causeway, Key Biscayne.
Wilson, who represents Florida’s 24th Congressional District, is a Gamma Zeta Omega Chapter member, former Alpha Kappa Alpha regional director and a former chapter president. She will bring the keynote address and then participate on a panel of high-profile leaders, including NAACP Florida State Conference President Adora Obi Nweze, also a Gamma Zeta Omega Chapter member; State. Rep. Cynthia Stafford; CNN Latino host and Democratic Party leader Annette Taddeo-Goldstein, Beatrice Louissaint, President-Southern Florida Minority Business Supplier Development Council; and Daisy Black, Mayor of the Village of El Portal. The forum will be moderated by Bobby Henry, Sr., Owner and Publisher of The Westside Gazette, Broward County's oldest and largest African-American owned newspaper. Grammy-nominated poet Rebecca “Butterfly” Vaughns will again share her inspirational word-weaving skills; expect other entertainment and surprises during this informative and entertainment packed event.
“Pumps, Pearls & Politics was designed to connect concerned women and men throughout the community to dialog on important issues,” said Vanessa Byers, event chair. While my chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha is presenting this event, its mission is to bring women together to realize our political potential beyond our organizations traditional voter registration efforts. This event will involve our sisters in the Divine Nine pan-hellenic organizations – Delta Sigma Theta; Sigma Gamma Rho and Zeta Phi Beta as well as other organizations such as The Links, Incorporated; and the The National Council of Negro Women.”
“We are delighted to present this innovative and unique political event with such a dynamic panel of women. You will be informed as well as entertained. There will be opportunities to network with individuals from throughout the community as well as to register to vote, check your voter status and update your voter information,” said Gamma Zeta Omega Chapter President Eunice J. Davis.
Tickets are $35, and available online till July 20, at http://pumpspearlspolitics2014.eventbrite.com. To pay by mail, make check or money order payable to and mail to Gamma Zeta Omega, PO Box 530711, Miami Shores, FL 33153. (Checks and Money Orders must be received by 07/15/2014.)
There will be no ticket sales at the door. For more information call 305.323.7614.
If You Go:
When: Saturday, July 26, 2014, 10:30 AM - Power Networking, 11:00 AM – Forum & Luncheon
Where: The Rusty Pelican, 3201 Rickenbacker Causeway, Key Biscayne, FL 33149
Admission: $35 (Includes food and beverage). Cash Bar Available.

Scenes from Pumps, Pearls & Politics 2013 at Taverna Opa in Mary Brickell Village: