Tales from the Hood: Another death due to senseless gun violence in the community. Do we really care? [VIDEO] *Parental Advisory
Saturday, July 12, 2014
The senseless violence in the community hit a little close to home with the murder of Pastor Kenneth Johnson in Liberty City on Thursday afternoon. I met Pastor Ken in November 2012 through one of my sorority sisters. He was one of my table guests at my sorority’s soiree. I remember his pleasant attitude and sense of humor. He was a really nice guy.
One would think the death of a child because of senseless gun violence would be enough to stop the violence, but it hasn't. Sherdavia Jenkins...Tequila Forshee are just two names that come to mind. As we talk amongst ourselves about the violence in the community. One has to wonder when will it all end? We have to acknowledge the senseless violence being perpetrated all over this nation.
I wonder if the folks participating in this violence have ever seen the movie Tales from the Hood. One of the vignettes, entitled, Hard core convert addresses the de-programming of a gang-member. The movie itself is very interesting and worthy of viewing, be advised of the language and violence.
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It's a serious subject with a serious answer that some might not want to take because part of the medicine taste nasty but the prescription works. And this must be done by us in the community we are the only one's who can apply this medicine... We first teach our people better coping skills, a true education of themselves and then the standard or law (this is the part that may not taste so good) if you kill innocent people, we will not call the police we will kill you ourselves....Ratchet behavior, we will not tolerate anymore, we will pull out the belt and beat your ass....Truth has come to you~
Posted by: Maurice Muhammad | Saturday, July 12, 2014 at 05:58 PM