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Miami Central football coach receives racist letter from Hoover High fan [Parental Advisory]

The Miami Central Rockets and their fans traveling to the football game against the Hoover (AL) Bucs received racist taunts.

This is the latest foolishness to remind black people that the more things change, the more they remain the same in the eyes of some people in these United States of America.

Miami Central High School Head Football Coach Roland Smith received a letter from a Hoover High School fan advising the Miami Central fans to take their chicken bones back to Miami and to pickup their red cups that they use to drink Kool-Aid and liquor after the Bucs whip the Rockets asses. Of course the fan's taunting would not be complete without dropping the N-bomb also.

Miami Central is scheduled to play Hoover High School in Hoover, AL tomorrow, August 23rd, 2014 @ Noon EST/11AM CST. The matchup will be broadcast on ESPN. The Hoover Bucs are a top-ranked team so this should be a great game.

Hopefully, this incident as well as the turmoil in Ferguson, MO are teachable moments for individuals that work closely with black high school football players. Many of these athletes will be presented with the opportunity to play for PWIs that might lead them to the financial wealth of professional sports. If they are blessed to enjoy that experience, it is incumbent upon them to use their opportunity and access for community-building purposes.

To be clear, there is no reason to believe that the letter from the Bucs fan is reflective of the feelings of most of the folks at Hoover high School. The Rockets will use it as motivation to victory. Let's Go, Rockets!




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