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Testing and the School-to-Prison Pipeline



Testing Has Failed Town Hall Meeting

Wednesday, February 18


Belafonte TACOLCY Center

6161 NW 9 Ave

For the past eight years we at Power U have helped lead an important struggle to dismantle the school-to-prison pipeline here in Miami. The leading edge of this work has been uplifting the demand to end zero tolerance policies and implement Restorative Justice. But there is another pillar of the school-to-prison pipeline that we must also address - High Stakes Testing

As the Advancement Project clearly outlined in a 2010 report, high stakes testing is part of the overall neoliberal campaign to criminalize youth of color, undermine public education, and advance corporate school reforms. If we want a high quality education system that is fair and equal for all young people, we must fight to end high stakes testing. Please join Power U and the other members of the Dade Coalition for Education and Economic Justice for a community conversation about this critical issue. We will share how testing has impacted us as students, parents, teachers, and community. We will also begin discussing ways to strike back against high stakes testing right here in Florida.

We hope to see you there and please spread the word!


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