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Job Opportunity: Miami-Dade Transit seeks part-time Bus Operators


Bus Operator position offers career opportunities and benefits

Miami-Dade Transit is seeking applicants for the position of part-time Bus Operator. The department will be accepting applications online, from March 2nd through March 16, 2015.

Learn as you Earn

Those who are selected can earn as they learn. 
Bus Operator trainees earn $14.61 per hour, and continue gaining experience as part-time Bus Operators.

After successfully graduating from a 10-week training program, Bus Operators will receive $15.38 per hour.

Miami-Dade County benefits will be explained to applicants during orientation.

Bus Operators are also eligible to apply for other positions within Miami-Dade Transit - offering them career advancement within the largest transit department in Florida and one of the largest in the United States.


To be selected, applicants must successfully pass a background screening and physical exam, and must have the following:

  • A high school diploma or a General Education Diploma (GED)
  • A photo identification, such as a Florida driver's license
  • Proof of having passed the General Knowledge, Air-Brake and
  • Passenger Transport test sections of the Commercial Driver License (CDL) exam

Those interested in applying for a Bus Operator position can apply online. Additional information can be obtained by calling the Miami-Dade County Job Information Hot Line at (305) 375-JOBS (5627), or by visiting a Careersource South Florida Center.

Those without Internet access at home can visit any Miami-Dade County library, or go to the New Hire Center on the 21st floor of the Stephen P. Clark Government Center at 111 NW First St. in downtown Miami, where they can ask staff for assistance and use a computer with Internet access to log on to apply online.


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