Racist signs on display at Fort Lauderdale business
Friday, March 11, 2016
The more things change, the more they remain the same.
Check out the news reported by Ch. 10’s Bob Norman regarding racist memorabilia on the walls at Sal’s Towing in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Norman goes on to state that Sal’s Towing is contracted by the City of Fort Lauderdale and other governmental entities.
It’s interesting to note that a black male former employee reported the racist memorabilia and even was subjected to racial slurs. Another black male employee initially defended the business, go figure. Why anyone would allow themselves to be subjected to such treatment in this day and age is downright sad. It’s 2016, and this level of discrimination still exists. Some white people don’t believe it or don’t want to believe it or are in denial. Some black people don’t believe it or don’t want to believe it or are in denial.
As expected, after denying being racist, the owner, Sal Belasai, eventually indicated the signs would be removed. That’s a step in the right direction but is removing the signs is supposed to make everything alright? I don’t think so. Sal’s supporters defend him by citing his service to the community. Really? I don’t think so.
Sal’s accuser has also been targeted. He was arrested for violently abusing a girlfriend. That still doesn’t change the fact that the racist signs were posted in Sal's place of business. Stay focused.
I have a couple of questions. How long has the memorabilia been on display at Sal’s? How many people, black and white, have seen it and done nothing about it? This is the sad reality of post-racial America.
By the way, Sal indicated the memorabilia is black history, in a way he’s correct. Check out this video on the history of the term ‘gator bait’. Get a better understanding why everyone should be mortified and disgusted these signs would be on display in a place of business in the United States.
#racism #thestruggleisreal #gatorbait #blackhistory
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