Pastor Wayne Lomax to Deliver Opening Prayer before Congress Today
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
WASHINGTON —This morning, Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson will welcome Pastor Wayne Lomax as guest chaplain to lead the day’s opening prayer before Congress. Pastor Lomax is the founder and senior pastor of the Fountain of New Life church located in Miami Gardens, Florida.
Founded nearly 20 years ago, the Fountain of New Life is one of the largest churches in Florida and an indispensable community partner in South Florida. The church enriches thousands of lives in Florida’s 24th congressional district and tackles many pressing issues, including hunger, poverty, and crime. The pastor is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Tune into your local C-SPAN station, at 11:30 a.m. ET, to watch Pastor Lomax deliver the prayer and Rep. Wilson welcome him to the House floor.
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