It's graduation season! Thank you to everyone who shares photos of their child's graduation exercises and other academic accomplishments. Let's brag about our children when they do great things! As this school year comes to an end and our children transition to the next phase of their lives, please share this prayer.

Parental Blessing for a Graduate or Grown Child
(based on Proverbs 3)
My child,
never forget the things I/we have taught you.
Remember these things—store them in your heart—
for they will enrich your life, and your well-being.
Be careful to act with loyalty and kindness at all times!
Practice these traits;
write them deep within your heart.
Then you will be able to live at peace with both God and people,
and you will always have a good reputation.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart;
do not depend on your own understanding.
Seek God’s will in all you do,
and he will direct your paths.
Don’t be overly impressed with your own wisdom.
Instead, fear the Lord.
Turn your back on the things you know to be wrong.
If you do, you will stay healthy and whole,
both in body and spirit.
Honor God with everything you earn and accumulate.
If you do, God will bless you.
Don’t get angry or discouraged when God corrects you,
when he points out to you the ways in which you have fallen short
of what he desires for you.
Remember that he does it because he loves you!
When you set out your goals and plans, be wise.
Think carefully about the decisions you make;
seek good advice from people you trust.
Then you can walk through life without fear,
and without stumbling.
Don’t be anxious about things that may happen in the future.
Always remember that God is at your side,
and that he surrounds you with his love and mercy.
Source: re: worship