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March 2019

CALL TO ACTION: Voting Rights Still Under Attack in Florida. Protect Amendment 4.

ACLU of Florida


Voting rights are under attack in Florida now that the Senate has taken up a bill that would restrict Amendment 4, the amendment that restored voting rights to Floridians with felony convictions. We need to fight back.

Call now: tell the Senate Criminal Justice Committee to oppose Senate Bill 7086, a bill that would undermine Amendment 4. 

Last November, Floridians approved Amendment 4 with almost 65 percent in support. It clearly reflected that Floridians believe in second chances and that more people should have access to the ballot box, not fewer. 

Now, Florida lawmakers want to restrict Amendment 4 and undermine the will of Florida voters by making it harder for those who would be eligible to vote to exercise their rights. 

This attempt to thwart the will of Florida voters is outrageous and we cannot let it stand. 1.4 million people were eligible to begin registering to vote on January 8 after Floridians voted to cast out a racist Jim Crow era law that was on the books for 150 years and disproportionately kept Black people from voting in our state.

It's time to get really loud and make it very clear to our state lawmakers that Floridians believe in second chances and that Amendment 4 is law in Florida. Let's do everything we can to stop this bill and other attempts to undermine Amendment 4. Tell the Senate Criminal Justice Committee and Senate leadership to oppose Senate Bill 7086 and protect Amendment 4.