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City of North Miami Incumbents Re-Elected; Runoff for Open Council Seat


Incumbents Philippe Bien-Aime and Mary Estimé-Irvin were re-elected in Tuesday’s  City of North Miami municipal elections. Bien-Aime won overwhelmingly and returns to the City’s mayoral seat. Estimé-Irvin returns to the District 3 council seat after narrowly avoiding a runoff race against three opponents.

35FAD90C-3A7F-46DB-995A-DAA6D50CB7D8Mayor Philippe Bien-Aime and Councilwoman Mary Estimé-Irvin were re-elected to their positions.


Kassandra Timothe and Kevin Burns are in a runoff for the District 2 Council seat.

In the seven-candidate race to fill the open District 2 seat, former City of North Miami public information officer, Kassandra Timothe was the top vote-getter and is in a run-off with former City of North Miami Mayor Kevin A. Burns who narrowly edged Hector Medina for the number two spot in that race.


The District 2 run-off is June 1. Vote-by-Mail ballots will be mailed, Tuesday, May 18. Early voting is May 24 - May 30.

If you live in the City of North Miami Council Seat 2 voting district and are eligible to vote, exercise your right. Only 16 % of the city’s 34,084 registered voters turned out in the last race.  Conventional wisdom dictates that turnout percentage will be smaller for the upcoming  runoff election. If you don’t vote, don’t complain.




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