Celebrating this 4th of July: The Fight for Liberty and Justice For All Continues
Rolling Loud in Miami Gardens this Weekend

NAACP features Rev. Dr. Jimmie L. Bryant and Lady Estella King-Bryant on "Meet the Pastor"


This evening, the Religious Affairs Committee of the Miami-Dade Branch NAACP will continue with their series on local religious leaders, Meet the Pastor.

This episode’s special guests are Rev. Dr. Jimmie L. Bryant, Senior Pastor and Lady Estella King-Bryant of Antioch Missionary Baptist Church of Liberty City. You don’t want to miss this lively, educational, engaging and motivational conversation. Pastor and Lady Bryant are inarguably one of the most forward-thinking religious couples around.

  • When: TONIGHT, July 11, 2022, 7:00 PM ET 
  • Where: Via Zoom & Facebook Live 
  • ZOOM Meeting ID: 853 4173 4135  Passcode: 640493 
  • Facebook Live: @MiamiDadeNAACP


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