City of Miami

Forum to bring together Miami's diverse Black population

814-1516 -19863 One Heritage State of Black Miami Flyer

Miami-Dade County Commission Chair Jean Monestime is hosting a free day-long community conference to bring together black Miamians of all backgrounds and nationalities to discuss issues affecting the African diaspora and to develop a collective action oriented agenda. County Commissioners Barbara Jordan, Audrey Edmonson and Dennis Moss, and Miami City Commission Chairman Keon Hardemon are co-hosting the conference.

The “ONE HERITAGE: State of Black Miami” community forum conference will take place on Thursday, April 7 from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Florida Memorial University, Smith Conference Center, 15800 NW 42nd Ave., Miami Gardens, FL 33054. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m.

This activity is long overdue. If applied and executed with genuine concern for the potential of the collective rather than other individualized agendas, this could be the tipping point for realizing advancement of blacks throughout this community. Hopefully, assignments with deadlines and follow-up will result from this conference. There have been far too many forums in this community that have largely only been opportunities for residents to vent frustrations.  

Please make every effort to participate in “ONE HERITAGE: State of Black Miami” if you are concerned about the current and future of blacks in Miami. 

For more information or to RSVP, call 305-694-2779, email [email protected], or visit #SOBM2016



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Who’s Zooming Who? Part 2 - Tell The Truth and Shame The Devil

Zoom pt2

This is the follow-up post regarding construction of a charter school as part of the rebuilding of Liberty Square Housing Project AKA the Pork ‘n Beans.


by William DC Clark

It appears what Superintendent Alberto Carvalho said concerning the District's involvement in the Liberty Square Development was true after all.

By now, those of you who have been following ICARE (Inner City Alumni for Responsible Education) knows that when it comes to our respective schools, we don't take any prisoners. If we thought that anyone, including Superintendent Alberto Carvalho, was trying to destroy the fabric of our beloved institutions, then they would have hell to pay. So when we heard the District was involved in building a Charter School in the middle of the newly developed Liberty Square Apartments, we went ballistic. Not only would a new K-12 Charter School destroy Miami Northwestern and its entire feeder pattern, but the building of that school would also probably be a precursor to the start of gentrification in that area.

As you know, in a recent article written in the Miami Herald, it stated Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez threatened to report Mr. Carvalho to the Ethics Committee for violating the Cone of Silence due to his and the District's relationship with Miami Waymark 2.0. Waymark is one of the developers bidding on the Liberty Square development and was recently eliminated by the Mayor from this process. It made the Superintendent look like a shady character at best and worst, someone who couldn’t be trusted.

However, during a meeting between ICARE and the Superintendent, Mr. Carvalho brought with him some supporting documents (see below) that stated, even though the District does have a relationship with Miami Waymark 2.0, there were no plans in Waymark's submission letter to build a Charter school. Even though the letter said: "a new recreational space and other spaces are designed to serve Miami-Dade Public Schools ...for community programming..." it did not mention the District assisting Waymark in the building of any school.

In the end, it appears as if Mayor Gimenez purposely use that opportunity to throw Superintendent Carvalho under the bus and mislead the citizens of Miami-Dade County at the same time. Whether it was for political or personal reasons, the members of ICARE thinks the play that the Mayor made on Mr. Carvalho was horse shit and that he, instead of Mr. Carvalho, should be the one reported to the Ethics Committee.

As most of you should know by now, our relationship with Mr. Carvalho hasn't always been a healthy one. But at least, he finds the time to meet with us and has devoted a team around the clock to address our concerns. We will continue to stay on his ass until the concerns of our schools are met. The Mayor, however, meets with our community sporadically and have yet to address our concerns despite his Disparity study showing that the County spends less than 2% of their procurement budget with Black businesses. Does he truly care about our community? You do the math.



Police officer accused of making porn movies while serving as a cop

Police car lights

Channel 10's Bob Norman reported on City of Miami police officer Sabine Raymonvil who is the subject of an internal investigation for performing in porn movies while serving as a cop. After dodging Norman, Officer Raymonvil contacted him and said she would answer his questions after the investigations were concluded.

In dispute is the timing of Raymonvil's involvement in porn movies. She indicates the movies were made before she became a police officer. The person(s) who disclosed her porn past, said her involvement in porn continued years after she became a police officer.  

In the clips submitted to Norman, Raymonvil is shown performing sex acts with Emerson Callum, a pornographer and porn star known as "Jah-T" who is serving a life sentence in federal prison after being convicted of drugging and raping women who auditioned for his company. Former Miami Beach police officer, Lavont Flanders, Callum's partner and cameraman was also convicted in that case. Flanders was also a City of Opa-Locka police officer. The stories of the women violated by these two men are quite disgusting.

No doubt Raymonvil, who must be humiliated and angry, did not think her porn past would ever be disclosed in such a public manner. She might have family, even children, who will be forced to deal with the aftermath. She must have ticked off a friend who chose to send the video and information to the media. Raymonvil might be penalized with suspension from her job or she could be terminated.

So, Blogging Black Miami readers...what do You think about this situation? Some readers on the Channel 10 site think Officer Raymonvil should not be bothered with this if she is performing police duties satisfactorily. Others think what she did before becoming a police officer shouldn't matter if her actions were not illegal. What say you?


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This Little Light of Mine: Shoutout Saturday to Tyrone Green

by Dr. Steve Gallon III

Tyrone Green

Shoes aren't the only things that shine at Green Dream Shoe Repairs. For over 50 years, this family establishment has provided shoe repairs, cleaning, and the selling of paraphernalia of local teams and organizations. It has also provided a "light" and legacy of hope, happiness, and hospitality to its patrons that have entered its doors. This legacy continues with Tyrone Green.

I have always been fond of fine attire. In being so, I've held true to my late father's sage advice when it came to haberdashery---keep your hands manicured, timepiece on point, and shoes tight. For the last 25 years (more than half of my life) I have kept my shoe game tight with the great, quality work of Green Shoe Repair. From cleanings to sole savers to heel taps, I remain a loyal customer at its new location which is still in the heart of Liberty City on 62nd Street between 7th and 8th.

During this time it has been a pleasure to not only remain loyal as a customer when it came to shoe repair, but to also be able to rely on Tyrone Green and the Green Family for words of encouragement, inspiration, and genuine appreciation.

A humble, happy, hardworking, and hospitable, God fearing brother, Tyrone embodies qualities that our young mean should learn to emulate. He is a loyal and dedicated son and father of six, and a husband of 30 years! For the community, he represents the critical legacy of small, minority businesses that continue to fight, survive, and thrive in the heart of Liberty City. From new shoes out of the box to those thought ready for retirement in the closet, I take them to Tyrone and I've never been disappointed.

Shoes aside, he always brings a word of encouragement and joy amidst the background of gospel music when you enter the door. No matter what may be going on in his life, he's always mustered up his little light and allowed it to shine on my life---often during times I may have needed it the most.

Ordinary people doing extraordinary things. What's more extraordinary than spreading a word of hope, happiness, and love to those with whom you come in contact? Imagine what would our world, nation, and community be if more of us did the same.

Shout out to you Tyrone Green and Green Dreams Shoe Repair! May your business continue to grow and prosper and your "light" shine amongst the men and women in this community for even more decades to come.



Job Opportunities: Specialized Recruitment Fair at Moore Park

The City of Miami has Subcontracting and Job Opportunities in the field of construction for the upcoming Moore Park and Charles Hadley Park Youth Centers.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM EDT

Moore Park
765 NW 36th St
Miami, FL 33127

Click on the link below and register.

Register Now!

Big sports weekend

This is a big sports weekend and MSM will not cover some of it. Let's start with last night's nationally televised match-up of Bethune-Cookman and North Carolina A&T in Daytona on ESPN-U. As expected, Cookman slaughtered A&T 67-17 and the Wildcats have already proclaimed themselves MEAC champs and victors over my alma mater, Florida A&M, in the upcoming Florida Classic in Orlando. Speaking of FAMU, it's Homecoming Weekend 2010 and that means lots of folks headed to Tally to see the Marching 100 (At HBCUs, half-time is game time!) and partake in Homecoming festivities.

Locally, the sports focus is of course on the season home opener of the Miami HEAT. LeWadeBosh is front and center in the minds of sports fanatics who love the Dream Team and the Heat haters also. It will truly be a circus with the high profile entertainment and let's hope there are no issues because of the protest of City of Miami budget cuts by police and firefighters. Congrats to local hero, Udonis "UD" Haslem who was named team captain along with Dwayne Wade.

Don't forget high school football as the Miami Central Rockets, my Alma mater also, face some team from Prattville, AL at TPS. Central is one of the top rated high school teams in the USA so that game will surely be watched by fans, sports enthusiasts and college recruiters.

Whatever you choose to do this weekend, make sure you vote in the General Election and be safe out there.

MSM - mainstream media
HBCU - historically-black college or university
MEAC - Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference
TPS - Traz Powell Stadium

Big sports weekend

Miami Children's Initiative Designated [PHOTO]

On September 21, The Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida designated the Liberty City neighborhood of Miami as a Florida Children's Initiative. The designation was presented to the Miami-Dade Board of County Commissioners.
As she accepted the award, Commissioner Audrey M. Edmonson applauded the volunteers and community leaders who worked together to complete the Strategic Community Plan required to earn the designation. Edmonson also thanked the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida for their leadership and guidance throughout the planning process.

In 2008, the Florida Legislature approved a process for the establishment of a comprehensive community-based children's initiative to provide quality education, healthcare and youth development programs for children and families living in neighborhoods and communities where opportunity and infrastructure is limited or nonexistent.

Commissioner Edmonson said, "The Miami Children's Initiative will be the catalyst for change from what may have been deemed devastating, bleak and disheartening to a flourishing and thriving community in Liberty City. Block by block, in districts 2 and 3, the Miami Children's Initiative will touch the lives of families and give hope to children to exceed expectations in all their endeavors."

The Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida would like to acknowledge Alison Austin and Leigh Toney for their vision. Also, a special thanks to Commissioner Audrey Edmonson, Senator Larcenia Bullard, (former) Representative Dorothy Bendross-Mindingall, Secretary George Sheldon, Irene Taylor Wooten, Betty Key and the members of the community who served on the strategic planning team for their faithful commitment and continued support of the Miami Children's Initiative.

Inaugural Board of Directors
Miami Children's Initiative has seated their inaugural board. They include:
Ms. Elaine L. Adderly
Mrs. Elaine H. Black
Ms. Thema Campbell
Mr. Morris Copeland
Dr. Luvernice H. Croskey
Dr. Cathia Darling
Mr. Cedric McMinn
Ms. Annie R. Neasman
Rev. Nathaniel J. Wilcox

**The Executive Director position has been advertised and over 400 applications have been received. The Board hopes to finalize its selection by mid November.

Promise Neighborhoods Update
Promise Neighborhoods, established under the legislative authority of the Fund for the Improvement of Education Program, provide grant funding to eligible entities so they can significantly improve the educational and developmental outcomes of children in our most distressed communities.

The Promise Neighborhoods grant award supports the development of an implementation plan that includes:
· A leader and an organization that can engage the community and be accountable for results
· A "place-based" approach which leverages investments by focusing resources in targeted places, drawing on the compounding effect of well-coordinated actions
· Close integration of schools, academic programs, and family and community supports to close gaps that contribute to children missing academic and developmental milestones
· The capacity to collect, analyze, and use data to evaluate success

At the conclusion of the planning grant period, grantees should have a feasible plan to implement a continuum of solutions that will significantly improve results for children in the community being served.

This summer, 339 applications were submitted for the first round of
Promise Neighborhoods grant funding. Nationwide, only 21 communities were awarded grants. None of the 14 applications from Florida communities were selected; however, the following 9 Florida applications scored 80 or above out of a possible 100:
· Sulphur Springs Neighborhood of Promise, Tampa
· Gainesville Promise
· New Town Success Zone, Jacksonville
· Orlando Promise Neighborhoods
· Ounce of Prevention Fund in collaboration with East
Jacksonville, Miami Gardens, Pinellas County and West
Palm Beach
· Broward L.I.F.E. Project
· Florida City Promise Neighborhood
· Edison Edu-Plex Promise Neighborhood, Miami
· Miami Beach Promise Neighborhood

The Ounce of Prevention Fund applauds these communities on their performance and encourages you to continue the great work you have begun in your community.

Miami Children's Initiative Designated [PHOTO]

Activist Renita "Biggie Mama" Holmes Assaulted by Miami Police for Taking Photos

Activist Renita "Biggie Mama" Holmes Assaulted by Miami Police for Taking Photos

Renita Holmes, a Miami inner-city activist, said a police officer assaulted her while she was photographing a candlelight vigil last month.

The vigil was to memorialize a man named Marvis Williams, whom she said was the eighth person to be killed in this area of Overtown within the last year.

A Miami police officer named Keandra Simmons – who is related to Williams – did not want Holmes photographing the vigil.

“She said, ‘why don’t you leave? Why do you have to take pictures?’” Holmes said in an interview with Photography is Not a Crime.


Activist Renita "Biggie Mama" Holmes Assaulted by Miami Police for Taking Photos

Miami Herald endorsement to Alison Austin in City of Miami District 5 Commission race

The Herald recommends

OUR OPINION: For Miami City Commission District 5

District 5

This district, covering Liberty City, Overtown and Little Haiti, is among Miami's most troubled. The neighborhoods are in dire need of economic development, affordable housing and jobs to sustain families.

The district needs strong and committed leadership, too. The candidates vying to replace interim Commissioner Richard Dunn, who is also running, offer the potential for fresh ideas for proud, but beleaguered, residents.

Michael Jackson Joseph, Alison Austin, Andre Joyce and Jerry Sutherland, along with the Rev. Dunn, all have deep roots in District 5. Their desire to be of service to their community comes across as genuine. (Ernest Mailhot, of the Socialist Workers Party, is also running for this nonpartisan seat.)

Ms. Austin, who has been chief executive officer of the Belafonte Tacolcy Center since 2006, offers the most thoughtful vision of what it will take to bring a measure of enduring prosperity and security to the district.

She wants the city to restore trust between the police and jaded residents, partner with the county to bring shuttle buses to these transportation-challenged neighborhoods and bring in nationally certified community development corporations to build affordable housing. Just as important, Overtown has to have a greater voice -- and far more revenue -- from the Community Redevelopment Agency, while reducing commissioners' muscle on the board.

For Miami City Commission, District 5, The Miami Herald recommends ALISON AUSTIN.

Read more:

Jay-Z is a gangbanger?

Check out this article in the Miami New Times: Miami Police Department Thinks Jay-Z Looks Like a Gangbanger


It seems the MPD did not provide an explanation for this gaffe to the New Times but when NBC Nightly News reported it, they were told that the images were just a "place-keeper for artwork they were developing" that were "mistakenly" posted online.  


Really? A place-keeper for artwork makes using it okay? Give me a break. That’s so wrong on so many levels. Of course, since it was brought to the attention of the appropriate folks at Miami PD, the image has been removed but it should not have been used in the first place. I’m just saying.