Legacy Magazine Honors Florida A&M University Drum Majors
Monday, March 02, 2015
Legacy Magazine Honors Florida A&M University Drum Majors at the Miami Herald Black Heritage Celebration on February 27, 2015. From left, BeMo (Kevin Moyd); TC(Kenneth Harris) and Turk (Willie Hayward) show they still got it!
The marching band holds unparallelled significance in the culture of Historically-Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) in the United States. Unlike athletics, the marching bands at HBCUs were not crippled by the siphoning of talent to Predominantly-White Institutions (PWIs) after integration became the law of the land. The Marching Band is frequently the subject of many lively discussions and longstanding rivalries between HBCUs.
Back in the day, Drum Majors, the leaders of the marching band, were superstars among their schoolmates and idolized by high school bandsmen who dreamed of being in their position one day. The drum majors at FAMU and any other HBCU were well-respected student leaders. Members of the marching band are frequently the most visible ambassadors of their school and the Drum Majors are the leaders of that very important group.
Thank you to Legacy Magazine and The Miami Herald for honoring these gentlemen and acknowledging their contribution to African-American culture.
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